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This dejected boy’s face lighting up on seeing his parents highlights why showing up matters

He looks visibly devastated after looking around and seeing no one but he was in for a sweet surprise.

This dejected boy’s face lighting up on seeing his parents highlights why showing up matters
Image Source: Reddit/u/FuturisticFighting

Editor's note: This article was originally published on January 23, 2023. It has since been updated.

The importance of showing up for your kids can never be underestimated. Whether it is school plays, graduation, baseball matches, or any other activity kids participate in, their confidence and happiness skyrocket if they see their parents in the audience. A video posted on Reddit by u/FuturisticFighting is proof that showing up for children matters a lot. The video begins at a graduation ceremony where a little boy is walking to his designated seat. 



Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit


The text inlay reads, "This is why you show up for your kids. Literally wipes his tears thinking nobody was there for him." The little boy can be seen frowning and feeling extremely sad as he takes his seat for the ceremony. However, as soon as he sees his parents in the audience, his face lights up with joy and he waves at them. This beautiful video and the boy's reaction upon seeing that his parents showed up is extremely heartwarming and other Reddit users also think so. 



Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit


The video has gotten almost 5k upvotes and many comments from people sharing their own experiences. Reddit user, u/iweartoomuchblush, shared, "When I was in second grade we had parents come in to see our progress and work we've done throughout the year. My mom was a single mom who worked really hard and couldn't come. I was the only kid there who didn't have a parent." They added, "My friend's dad asked to see my folder, he was the only one who showed any interest. Otherwise, I just sat quietly alone at my desk watching everyone else with their parents. I understand why my mom couldn't be there, but now I'm 31, and thinking about it still makes my chest tight." 



Another person, u/MissChievous8 commented, "It really does matter. My parents decided to watch TV instead of going with me to my high school graduation after I busted my ass to get great grades. It felt like I didn't matter and no one had my back." They explained further, "Now that I'm a mom, I make sure I'm there for absolutely everything for my son. Every event no matter how small it may seem. It matters in such a huge way." Another parent, u/Kidbroccoli shared, "I was that kid at my soccer games. Always looking in the crowd or at the gate to see if anyone was going to come to watch me play. It never happened. So now I make sure my own kids never have to feel this way. You can tell this kid was happy to be seen."

"Any parent who struggles with making the time for these types of things; try your best to go. I got to live one of these types of moments, and have never missed another school event since. F**k the job, boss, and stress. A few times per year I am leaving early to watch my kid at school, and if that's not okay; fire me," shared another Reddit user, u/turntabletennis.

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