The man working as a gas station opener had put his papers because of his boss' overbearing wife.
An employee who has been with an organization since it began and helped set it up is bound to be a vital part of it. However, they might not always get the right treatment from their boss or manager. A man, u/mesoziocera, faced a similar situation when his boss's wife made work difficult for him just because he was a man. However, on his final day, he got a chance to get back at his boss in an unexpected way. He took to Reddit to share the entire incident.
The employee used to work as a gas station opener about 15 years ago. "Because I was young and somewhat tech savvy, I was also the de facto 'IT' for the 3 stores near me and had been heavily involved in setting up a new point of sale (POS) system for their two most successful stores when they were swapped from one gas brand to another," the man explained. The company made him super admin to handle transactions better a few years later. "The owner's wife had been awful to me for the 2 years that I worked there. I got bumped to opener by her husband and she hated a man being an opener." All the other openers before him were women and had been picked by the owner's wife.
She didn't like the employee simply because he was a man, so he had to face additional scrutiny throughout his time at the job. "[She] constantly called me in the mornings to be rude and berate me for a bunch of minor things I did wrong," he shared. "I had set up their POS systems because I was somewhat tech-savvy. I was made a super admin on the new registers they had. I was desperately looking for work when I found a temporary IT job, which led to my current career in IT." When he eventually got a job, he gave a two-week notice to the owner, but he didn't inform his wife. However, when she learned about his leaving, she made him work extra hard for his last three days there.
"Finally, the time to depart forever came and she personally came with an office worker and stood by me and asked me to delete my account from the register. I knew I was a super admin and I had been told if I ever left to convert the account. She had been told this but had long forgotten it, so I said to hell with it and complied, then went to the other store and did likewise while she watched," the employee recounted. Three weeks later, he got a frantic call from his old workplace that they couldn't change prices for anything because of the deleted account. "They had a bunch of items 5 or 10% below." The man explained to his boss that he did only what he was told to do. "I found out later that they ended up spending $6k to get the company back out to fix the issue."
People took to the comment section to appreciate the story. u/Loisalene wrote, "I've learned when I read 'I was asked to delete....' the following story will be gold. Yes, yes this was." u/DesireeThymes commented, "The fact that her only issue with you was that you were a man is frankly disgusting." u/Corporate-Shill406 remarked, "This story is a reminder that the military chain of command doesn't stop with the President; it stops with the IT guy who installed the 'launch missiles' button in the President's desk."