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Bookstore makes a heartwarming gesture for kind 81-year-old woman who loves to read

She is a regular at a local bookstore and is always kind to the staff. So, they decided to make her smile with a special surprise.

Bookstore makes a heartwarming gesture for kind 81-year-old woman who loves to read
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Turn The Page Books & Music

It takes a good heart to value people and do something special. Also, everyone doesn't appreciate the goodness they see in people and it only comes to people who are kind. A bookshop owner decided to allow one of his customers to grab a bag full of books free of cost because she kept telling him that this was her favorite shop. The post shared by the bookshop, "Turn The Page Books & Music" on Facebook begins with, "Every human should treat others with respect and kindness."

Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

The post then talks about an 81-year-old woman, Vicky Denton. "She’s 81 years young & every time she stops in my store she says hello & tells me that this is her favorite store. I love hearing that & because she is so kind, on one shopping trip right before Easter last year I told her the books would be at no charge." Though Denton took the books, she came back to return some of them. "Today she returned some books & I told her to go grab a bag full of books and let’s call us even. I love making her day because she makes my day. Being kind doesn’t take much," shared the bookshop owner. The post includes the picture of Denton holding a plastic bag filled with books by authors like Nora Roberts. She has a slight smile on her face and is wearing a grey jacket. It is quite visible that the person is thankful for the books and she is going to enjoy reading them all.

Image Source: Facebook | Turn The Page Books & More
Image Source: Facebook | Turn The Page Books & More

The post amassed about 161k likes and 5.7k comments. People loved this gesture by the shop owner. Teri Reigle commented, "It looks like she really loves to read. I think you made her day just as much as she made yours, maybe more." "That's awesome. I know this might sound crazy. When I see or read that people treat other people with respect and kindness it puts a smile on my face," expressed TL Jackson. "Thank you for being kind to that lovely senior. There should be more of you around," wrote Gayle Leabhart Carter. Mary Cunniffe said, "So lovely to see mutual respect and kindness. It goes a long way and it is not hard to make someone's day. Brilliant to read this post." Bernadine George Remington commented, "Sounds like a caring relationship. These days such kindness touches all our hearts."
Image Source: Facebook | Turn The Page Books & More


It's actually true that it doesn't take much to be kind. A woman named Joe Westwood visited her local Aldi store near Cannock, England. She was finding it hard to leave the house and she didn't take her card with her. She wrote on Facebook, "I only had change but not enough to cover it," and added that "the lovely lady" Lisa paid the rest of the amount. She then shared that she didn't want to burst into tears so she is not even sure if she thanked the person. "But honestly it meant the world to me so if anyone knows Lisa or if anyone that works there reads this, please thank her for me!!!," wrote Westwood. "I don’t really leave my home anymore unless I really need to since losing Clare Belle, I find the world too dark, too sad and utterly exhausting but I made myself go today to see if my legs would still work and this nearly sent me over the edge!!," she added.


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