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Blind man who didn't celebrate the holidays for 15 years gets special surprise from home care staff

It has been 15 years since this man had a proper Christmas celebration and meal, but now he has a bunch of kind souls to make him happy.

Blind man who didn't celebrate the holidays for 15 years gets special surprise from home care staff
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk

No one should feel left out during the festive season, especially during Christmas when friends and family gather to create sweet memories together. However, some miss out on all the fun and festivities due to some odd circumstances or limitations they might be facing in their lives. So, this home care staff decided to change the meaning of the Holiday season for a blind man. Stephen finally had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas Day with others for the first time in 15 years and it was no less than a blessing for him, per BBC.

Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk
Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk

Stephen had been battling depression and struggling with his loss of sight for a long time. He didn't have a Christmas dinner, nor did he receive any presents since his mom died. However, a home care company from Bradford stepped in to light up Stephen's Christmas Day celebration. The staff member of Together We Care gave Stephen a pleasant surprise by cooking him a wholesome meal and even sharing it with him. They had even arranged for some gifts to make Stephen happy and shared a bunch of clips on their TikTok page, @togetherwecareuk.

"The first time in many years I have not cried on Christmas Day," the 54-year-old man told the outlet. Stephen has several other conditions aside from his blindness and depression. He also had some neurological issues, for which he came in contact with the Together We Care organization in April 2023. The staff members of the organization have been keeping an eye on him and have found Stephen bringing himself a cake on his birthday and wishing himself "happy birthday" in solitude. So, for the occasion of Christmas, the staff decided to give a surprise to him.

Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk
Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk

Together We Care director Kiran Mahmood told the BBC: "It broke my heart on his birthday. So four of us went to his house yesterday and cooked him Christmas lunch. He was so excited, it was the first time I had seen him smile and he even wore a special red hat." The staff not only came to share a Christmas meal with him but also brought him a box of chocolates and pajamas.

Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk
Image Source: TikTok | @togetherwecareuk

Stephen admitted that he felt "touched" and that "nobody has ever made him feel this special and important" in a long time. Stephen previously lived with his mother, but since her passing, he has been all alone and there is no one else in his family. "The team has gone above and beyond my expectations and is a protective factor in my life," Stephen told the BBC. Together We Care's co-director, Nargis Mahmood, mentioned that all these Christmas traditions are important for people who are battling mental health conditions. "Bringing a smile to Stephen's face has brought immense satisfaction to the team," she added.

Stephen wasn't the only lucky one who had experienced a magical Christmas for the first time in a long while. A blind and autistic boy from Texas had a special encounter with Santa Claus during this year's Christmas as well. Due to his condition, Matthew Foster faced numerous difficulties while standing in line to greet Santa as he often grew impatient and mostly refused to interact with the Santa Claus impersonators when he had the chance.


However, things changed for the 6-year-old boy when he could finally "see" and experience what it actually felt like to sit on Santa's lap. Foster's mom, Misty Wolf, wanted her son to have his moment and get at least one magical encounter with Santa Claus. So she whispered to the Santa they were visiting and revealed the condition of her child to the man in red. She said, "Santa said, 'Say no more' and immediately got down on the floor to greet my Foster. He talked to the boy for a long time and let him feel his face and beard as long as he wanted." These two stories perfectly summarize that every individual deserves to enjoy this holiday season and feel included and understood.

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