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Biology teacher absolutely nails the impression of a Keurig coffee maker brewing a cup of joe

'I thought someone was making coffee,' said a TikTok viewer who got confused if it was an impression or the real coffee maker making the sound

Biology teacher absolutely nails the impression of a Keurig coffee maker brewing a cup of joe
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @devonthenatureguy

A high school biology teacher is gaining popularity online for his eerily accurate rendition of a familiar morning noise. Thankfully it's not an annoying alarm clock. Devon Bowker (@devonthenatureguy) of TikTok posted a minute-long video on July 3 that quickly gained more than two million views. In the video, Bowker sits in the front seat of a car and transports us to the sound of a brewing cup of morning coffee, something that helpfully wakes us up.  

"This is my impression of a Keurig coffee maker," Bowker says as he begins the video. Following that is his impressive impersonation of the low groan of the water being drawn into the appliance, followed by the water being heated up, and finally, the brewed coffee being dispensed.

Image Source: TikTok/@devonthenatureguy
Image Source: TikTok/@devonthenatureguy

Bowker looks into the camera after completing his unusual impression and breaks into a calm smile. In the video caption, he asks, "How’d I do?" TikTok user @taylorknapps even tested Bowker's impression by dueting the video with their own Keurig machine brewing a cup of coffee. "8/10," he said in the video's caption. The duet even made a point of matching the mug in the clip to Bowker's sweatshirt.

The funny impression performed with the utmost seriousness received a lot of praise in the comments. "Breathtaking performance," complimented @playfulcompany. "You transported me. It was early. I could smell the coffee. Bravo," commented @j.r.grantperry. "Idk what’s more impressive, the accuracy or the fact that you did that for so long while maintaining a straight face," wrote @some_fishy_rats. "I thought someone was making coffee," added @onehappy_day.

Image Source: TikTok | @taylorknapps
Image Source: TikTok | @taylorknapps

All of the attention on Bowker's amusing little impression is surprising given that the majority of his social media is him explaining biology as a naturalist and biology teacher. "I’m a biology teacher, and that’s the funny thing: I post a lot of science and educational content and it seems to be that every time I have a video get kind of big, it has nothing to do with it," Bowker, a 10th-grade teacher in Minnesota shared with TODAY. "It’s the stuff that I do as a one-off just thinking, 'Oh, this is kind of funny.' And then all of a sudden, it’s like a runaway train." Despite the fact that his students are currently on summer vacation, Bowker says he has noticed some of them leaving comments now that the video has gone viral.

"I've seen a few of them in my comment section, that’s for sure, like 'Why is Mr. Bowker on my FYP?'" he said, playfully adding that he's actually done the impression for them before. "There’s been times where I’ve forgotten my Keurig wasn’t plugged in my classroom, and I’ll do that whole thing: Act like I’m filling up my cup and say, 'Oh, wait, I’ve got to plug it in.' They usually just kind of sigh."

Bowker, who describes himself as a "sucker" for the Pacific Bold roast from Kirkland/Costco or a "classic Starbucks Pike Place," also shows that his video demonstrates something he tries to convey to his students in the classroom. "It’s funny, but it speaks to the factor of authenticity, not being afraid to be kind of off the wall and silly. People respond to that," Bowker said. "I think a lot of people are afraid to go there and are worried about their brand and image or being made fun of."

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A post shared by Devon Bowker (@devonthenatureguy)


He may have another coffee machine up his sleeve if he decides to take his show on the road by doing impressions of other household objects. Despite never using a Nespresso, Bowker even attempted to impersonate one in another video. "I've gotten a bunch of requests for an espresso, which to my understanding from hearing espressos is they're a lot more abrupt and a lot more deep and rumbly at the beginning," Bowker said, adding that he believes his vocal chops are up to the task. What about the French press, though? Bowker could probably make it sing because it makes such a distinct gurgle. "Yeah, I could pull that off, I bet," he added.

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A post shared by Devon Bowker (@devonthenatureguy)


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