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These best friends used their tooth fairy money to buy toilet paper for elderly neighbors

The idea to purchase essential items for the elderly reportedly came to them after seeing unsually empty shelves at a store earlier this month.

These best friends used their tooth fairy money to buy toilet paper for elderly neighbors
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Petrina McGuire

At a time when adults seem to have forgotten the basics of humanity and empathy, two little girls are setting an example on how to behave like decent human beings. After Coronavirus panic buying sprees left stores across the country sold out of basic necessities, these young BFFs shelled out their pocket money to purchase toilet paper for their elderly neighbors. The kind and thoughtful gesture of these children stand in sharp contrast to the viral videos and news reports of people hoarding everything from hand sanitizers to diapers and fighting like animals in supermarket aisles.



The heartwarming story of the kind little girls was brought to the internet's attention by Petrina McGuire who took to Facebook to post a photo of her 6-year-old daughter Addyson with her 4-year-old best friend, Lucy. The adorable photo shows the pair in their hometown of Mareeba in Far North Queensland, lugging a wooden cart brimming with toilet rolls and boxes of tissues behind them. Holding a toy each in their hands, the girls visited their elderly neighbors enquiring whether they were in need of the items they had.


Loaded with toilet paper and tissues they purchased with pocket money and are walking around pensioner cottages seeing if they need any, McGuire wrote. Speaking to Daily Mail, the proud mother revealed that the idea to purchase essential items for the elderly came to Addyson when she walked through the toilet paper section of a supermarket earlier this month. Puzzled at the empty shelves, the little girls enquired about the unusual sight. When she was informed about panic-buyers stockpiling essential items due to Coronavirus fears, she grew concerned for those who wouldn't be able to buy these products now.


"Addyson asked if she could buy some to hand out to those that may have missed out using money she had saved from the tooth fairy," McGuire revealed. "The pensioners loved having them knock on the door and ask if they would like some as the shops run out - some people needed some and were very grateful." The response to the girl's kind gesture was overwhelmingly positive with one woman offering the excited girls a bag of "fairy crystals" in exchange for toilet paper. Meanwhile, another neighbor took rolls for a man who lived across the street from him as he was unwell and couldn't buy his own.



McGuire explained that she'd shared the photo because "there has been so much negativity lately and just wanted to share something positive." Her post has been flooded with supportive responses from fellow Facebook users. No wonder Jesus said, 'Come unto me as little children'. Their genuine care for other people first is wonderful. This is really heartwarming compared to the fights we have seen by adults, commented David Morrison. Another Facebook user, Sue Stirling wrote: So lovely some adults need to watch this on how to be gracious and giving to people in need What beautiful hearts these girls have! Bless!!!



Donna Freyer praised the girls' parents writing: Parenting done right!! Thank you to these parents for teaching their kids what kids and some people are lacking these days - Compassion and looking after one another. Renee Langley agreed, commenting: Omg thank you I live in New Zealand and it breaks my heart to think of the elderly that can’t even get loo paper your girls are amazing. Nunzie Nunzie praised the little girls' kind hearts, writing: That is cute good on you, you little darlings at least someone is looking after the pensioners.


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