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Basketball player has the sweetest reaction to a little girl gifting him her drawings

Giannis Antetokounmpo thanked her before going through the drawings. He also asked her if she made them and she nodded her head.

Basketball player has the sweetest reaction to a little girl gifting him her drawings
Cover Image Source: Reddit/ FatRenditions

When one gets the chance to meet their favorite celebrity, it often leaves them emotional and starstruck. That's what happened with this girl. In a beautiful video posted on Reddit by u/FatRenditions, a girl meets her favorite basketball player, Giannis Antetokounmpo.

The adorable video shows her handing him a bunch of drawings as he signs on a jersey for her. His response to it is heart-warming. He gets up and says, "Let me give you a hug." The child becomes teary-eyed as Antetokoumpo hugs her. He thanks her and then begins to go through the drawings before asking the young fan whether she made them herself. When she nods shyly, he gives her another hug and poses with her for a picture.

Image Source: Reddit/u/FatRenditions
Image Source: Reddit/u/FatRenditions

The sweet video has about 11,900 upvotes on Reddit and is captioned, "Girl meets her favorite basketball player and gives him drawings." Many on the social media platform loved the athlete's gesture. u/qualityhealth101 commented, "This is so sweet. She showed up prepared with the drawings, he got up and went around the table to hug her, and emotions of happiness flowed. I love moments like this - when we get to see the better side of human nature."


u/True-Wealth wrote, "I love how he lit up when she handed him the drawings, he seemed so genuinely pleased and excited." u/Drax13522 pointed out, "She'll remember his kindness for the rest of her life. These are the kind of moments worth sharing, for they spread much-needed joy." u/Kenny523 expressed, "Something that takes 20 seconds can change the rest of someone's life forever. It doesn't take much sometimes."

u/Korishii commented, "He looks genuinely happy and I'm sure that girl was as well. Such a wholesome moment." u/alcoholicmovielover wrote, "I have lived in Milwaukee for over a decade. He is seriously as wholesome and wonderful as they come. Everyone here who has interacted with him has only positive things to say about him."

Image Source: Reddit/u/FatRenditions
Image Source: Reddit/u/FatRenditions

In another similar story, a young woman named Lauren who was serving coffee to Alexander Ludwig wasn't sure if it really was the "Vikings" star. A video was posted on TikTok by @alexanderludwig shows Lauren showing the picture of Bjorn (the character Ludwig played in the series "Vikings") on her phone and saying, "You look like him." 

Amused, Ludwig responds, "No way. Do you like Bjorn?" She responds, "I do." He goes on to ask her, "Who's your favorite character on the show?" She says, "Ragnar Lobrok who is his dad." She clarifies that she does like Bjorn, but it is "like OG vs his dad." 

Image Source: TikTok/@alexanderludwig
Image Source: TikTok/@alexanderludwig

Ludwig replies, "He's like a spoilt brat?" Lauren sort of agrees with him and says, "I'm attached to him since the beginning. He was a kid in the beginning." Continuing the conversation, he asks her, "From there has he become a spoilt brat?" She says, "Oh yes! He earned his name Ironside." Then she shows him the picture of Travis Fimmel, who played the role of Ragnar in the series and he says, "Pretty good."  

Towards the end, Ludwig tells her, "I'm Alexander" and shakes hands with Lauren. Ludwig then says, "I played Bjorn Ironside." Lauren seems mortified and puts her head down on the counter, realizing what she just did and says, "Oh sh*t!" Ludwig tells her he had to make a video because it's so good. Ludwig and others can be heard laughing. 




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