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Basketball player solves the mystery of the '10 feet alien' spotted hiking by people in Brazil

A basketball player in Brazil shared a clarification video about the '10 feet alien' that people spotted hiking on a mountain.

Basketball player solves the mystery of the '10 feet alien' spotted hiking by people in Brazil
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta

Humans have always been fascinated with the prospect of meeting extraterrestrial life. This has led many people to speculate on phenomena where there is no concrete explanation for what is happening. Most of these supposed alien sightings or theories turn out to be untrue. Interestingly, people have also mistaken people for aliens in the modern world. A Brazilian football star, Felipe Motta (@felipeemotta), recently shared a video where he admitted that he was actually the figure behind a "10-foot alien" that people spotted in the mountains.

Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta
Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta

The video has 11.7 million views and 27.6K comments on the social media site. Motta begins the video by sharing that he is two meters tall, which equates to six foot five in height. He states that he is tall but that should not give people the liberty to assume anything about him. The basketball player reveals that he went on a trail to be with nature and enjoy the view.

Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta
Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta

He shares how people took pictures of him and filmed him while he was on the trail. While dDoing this, they ended up taking a photo of him, which might have made him look like a tall extraterrestrial creature. Motta says, "Then they sent it to a gossip page and they called me 'an alien.'" The rumors also mentioned that he was more than three meters tall.

Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta
Image Source: TikTok | @felipeemotta

Motta then proceeds to share the woes of tall people. It includes being too tall for their bed, struggling to shower, not fitting in their mirror, not finding shoes in their size and feeling guilty during concerts for blocking others' view. He concludes by hilariously sharing that the "revolution has begun." His video made sense to a lot of people and they shared their thoughts about a person's height in the comments section.


Image Source: TikTok | @_maacavalcante
Image Source: TikTok | @_maacavalcante


Image Source: TikTok | @fer_padilha04
Image Source: TikTok | @fer_padilha04

@apenasanakatherine said, "It doesn't matter if you're tall or short. They'll always find something to ruin our patience. I'm 1.50 tall, 25 years old, a runt and I suffer for being short." Another individual, @h3ll0isaa, commented, "I'm 1.83 and I suffer, imagine if I were 2 meters tall. I think it would double the suffering of finding pants and shoes." @deborabaima3 shared, "My husband is 2m tall and attracts a lot of attention and as I am 1.76m tall we get along very well. However, I agree with you. A lot has to change."


A mom had a similar experience to Motta. Shaakira Brandon's daughter Nala-Joye also accused her of being an alien. The mother posted a hilarious and cute video of her 5-year-old girl showcasing her mother's passport and crying. The girl revealed that the reason for her sadness was that her mother turned out to be an alien. Her mother's passport was proof of it because there was a picture of Earth in it. The mother realized that the girl came to the conclusion after watching the movie, "Men In Black."


In the movie, aliens came to Earth with passports that allowed them to enter just like airports. Nala-Joye just could not make peace with the fact that her mother was an alien. The mother asked her, "What do you think that means?" Through tears, she says that it means that her mother is an alien. The woman went on to explain that the passport actually showcased all of the places where her mother had been, but the girl still did not seem convinced.

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