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Bartender shares how he cleverly cuts off alcohol for people if they had enough: 'They don't even know'

He reveals how he only pretends to add alcohol to a drink while only adding non-alcoholic ingredients.

Bartender shares how he cleverly cuts off alcohol for people if they had enough: 'They don't even know'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @benjispeaks

Individuals who are intoxicated may not be aware of the amount of alcohol they are consuming after a certain point. In fact, in several states, it is illegal to sell alcohol to visibly intoxicated folks as it poses a risk not only to the customer but also to those around them. Bars and places that sell alcohol often have to cut off drinks for people who are visibly intoxicated. A bartender named Bendi Spears—who goes by @benjispears on TikTok—shared an interesting video in which he showcases the trick he uses to cut off alcohol for those he feels are already too drunk.

Image Source: TikTok/ @benjispears
Image Source: TikTok/ @benjispears

In the 20-second video, he can be seen making a "cocktail." However, he only pretends to add alcohol to the drink. He does add some non-alcoholic beverages to make it look red and also adds a dash of lime. The video is captioned, "When your drunk bestie is insisting on another drink but you know they have to work in the morning." He also noted in the comments that he doesn't charge for such drinks.

Image Source: TikTok/ @benjispears
Image Source: TikTok | @benjispears

Many on the social media platform loved the way he made sure that people are not given more drinks when they are already intoxicated. @danyella_ _._ _ commented, "And that’s the bartender trick! They don’t even know." @thehygienius wrote, "You are a good friend and bartender. Good looking out." @linzzi_77 shared, "My best friend's parents owned a bar and the amount of times they tricked us because we were already so drunk."

@monicabombon wrote, "One of my girls did that to me so many times and I was like 'This is so good.'" @wolfbane_2009 mentioned, "As a new bartender I've had to do this. I also throw in the order to get the next one they got to drink a whole cup of water."

Image Source: TikTok | @benjispears
Image Source: TikTok | @benjispears
Image Source: TikTok | @benjispears
Image Source: TikTok | @benjispears

Without a doubt, bartenders are life savers as they make sure that everyone they are serving is safe and sound. Three high school students are also trying to do that by inventing a straw that can help detect if a drink has been spiked. Victoria Roca, Susana Cappello and Carolina Baigorri knew that drink spiking on dates is a big concern as a lot of women were being subjected to sexual assault. They wanted to do something about it. They came up with the idea of the straw during one of the entrepreneurship classes at Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami. They hope that this invention will help with lowering the statistics related to sexual assaults.


The straw can detect Rohypnol, GHB and ketamine. “It’s a straw. It has two test strips so if you put it into a drink, it will determine whether it’s drugged or not. If it is drugged, the strip will turn to a navy color,” said Roca. They had heard too many horror stories in school. “Being young women, I feel like this is a problem that we hear about a lot, especially when we came to high school. It’s such a common problem. Statistics say it’s one in every five women, which is so many people,” added Baigorri.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on May 12, 2023. It has since been updated.

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