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Barbra Streisand posts violent cartoon of Pelosi's heel impaling President Trump

The singer-songwriter has put the President on blast yet again, insinuating that impeachment is inevitable.

Barbra Streisand posts violent cartoon of Pelosi's heel impaling President Trump

Longtime anti-Trumper Barbra Streisand is at it again. This time, the singer has taken to social media platform Twitter to post a violent cartoon of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's heel impaling a bloody United States President. The cartoon, whose origin is yet to be identified, has gone viral since it was first posted. While some believe it is offensive, others are of the perspective that it is simply a form of foreshadowing as Trump's impeachment seems to be in the bag. The President, of course, is yet to respond though many are sure he will go on one of his classic Twitter tirades soon enough.


Streisand posted the cartoon without an accompanying message. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Dozens of pro-Trump supporters, on the other hand, had quite a lot to say. Actress Mindy Robinson, for example, posted, "It’s fitting it features a pair of highly overpriced designer shoes seeing how you rich, hypocritical, leftist elitists think you know better than everyone anyway. I can’t wait for you Libs to lose your mind in the upcoming Trump 2020 landslide you helped create." Political news contributor Kambree Kawahine Koa asked, "Why do liberals always promote violence but then condemn it?"


Nonetheless, others rallied in support of the singer-songwriter, arguing that the cartoon was a harmless and hilarious take on the current impeachment scenario. One Twitter user noted, "If this is offensive to some, [it is] no less offensive [than] what Trump is doing to the country we live in and the world. Someone needs to have the heels to pierce through this madness." Another added, "Streisand, you will be always one of my favorite performers, actors, [and] singers. Thanks for helping to fight the good fight for the greater good... Celebs can move mountains. You go, girl!"


This is not the first time - nor the last time - that Streisand has been vocal about her anti-Trump stance. Later that weekend, on Saturday, she shared an article advocating for the President's impeachment. The article, previewed in her tweet, featured an image of a giant peach crushing what appeared to be President Trump. She wrote in her tweet, "One may argue about a narrow or broad impeachment resolution but Trump has committed multiple impeachable acts."


In the past, she has made many negative comments about the President. For instance, Streisand once stated Trump had made her "gain weight. Additionally, she claimed she would move to Canada if the Republican Party were to win control of the House of Representatives. At a concert held in New York City’s Madison Square Garden, remixed the iconic hit 'Send In The Clowns' in order to take jabs at Trump. She's also called him "Moron-in-Chief," according to Fox News. While Streisand's jokes may not always be above the belt, they sure do play in the same boxing ring as Trump's insults and comments. 

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