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Baby's honest reaction to tasting pureed peas for the first time is an absolute laugh-riot

As the little one began her food journey, the mom offered her some pureed peas and it turned out to be a hilarious disaster.

Baby's honest reaction to tasting pureed peas for the first time is an absolute laugh-riot
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @growingupwithleila

As a parent, it is exciting to watch the little ones grow up and reach their milestones. Every day is an adventure as the baby learns something new, especially when they become old enough to start eating solid foods. Parents are on a constant hunt to test what the child actually likes. Recently, a mom named Tyiesha shared a video of her 6-month-old baby girl, Leila, tasting pureed peas for the first time ever and her reaction went viral. Going by @growingupwithleila on TikTok, the mom often documented Leila's solid food journey, where the little one tried new items and gave her honest reactions.

Image Source: TikTok | @growingupwithleila
Image Source: TikTok | @growingupwithleila

"Me and my baby girl have been on the food journey and trust me, it's been a wild ride," Tyiesha mentioned in the caption. Turns out, Leila was not a fan of every baby food that her mom gave her. In the viral video, Leila leans in curiously, waiting to try the spoonful of pea puree her mom was about to give her. But once the taste of peas touched her tongue, the little one was no longer excited. Her reactions changed from puzzled to disgusted. Eventually, Leila started gagging, showing how much she disliked the pureed peas. The mom could not hold back her laughter while the baby tried to get the peas out of her mouth desperately. After several attempts, the little one managed to spit out the food and the mom promptly caught it even without looking.

Image Source: TikTok | @theodojaclarksdalebixby
Image Source: TikTok | @theodojaclarksdalebixby
Image Source: TikTok | @kimberlycollinsmcdaniel
Image Source: TikTok | @kimberlycollinsmcdaniel

Within four days since it was posted, the video gained over 1.7 million views with more than 6.3K comments. People were in stitches watching the little one gag and feel disgusted by the peas. "Baby girl 'gleeked' then gagged! Too cute for words!" noted @zavanahjotx210. "It's the part where she was trying to get it out of her mouth for me," added @shondadeshayy. "Your reaction was the most mom reaction ever. Laugh and catch the gagged-out peas!" said @luann858

While speaking to Newsweek, Tyiesha said she didn't expect such a hilarious reaction when she gave Leila the peas. "Though she might not like some things, her curiosity toward food always gets her to at least try it before she decides she doesn't like it," she added. The mom is determined to keep giving Leila new foods to try so she doesn't miss out on anything. Based on her experience, the mom advises other parents who are starting their baby's solid food journey, "Even if they don't like something, try for at least two additional days because babies might need some time to adjust to the taste and texture."

Speaking of children trying new food items, a viral video of a toddler, tasting grapefruit for the first time in her life has amused many. Dad of two, Austin Geter (@charlie_and_aj), captured the hilarious moment when his 3-year-old daughter, Charlie, took a big bite of the grapefruit. The second the juice from the fruit hit her taste buds, Charlie started to flinch so hard and gag. She couldn't stand the bitter and sour taste of the fruit and had to wipe it off her tongue at one point. "Tastes like orange grape. Poop," said a disgusted Charlie and her dad couldn't help but laugh at her reactions.


Charlie tries grapefruit 😂😂😂

♬ original sound - Charlie and A.J.


You can follow Tyiesha (@growingupwithleila) on TikTok for more hilarious reactions of Leila.

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