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Baby who was abandoned in a shoebox at fire station finally finds his forever home

This baby boy finally found his forever family after an inspiring journey.

Baby who was abandoned in a shoebox at fire station finally finds his forever home
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography LLC

We’ve all heard stories of babies being left behind because their parents couldn’t care for them. Sadly, this is a reality for many struggling individuals who lack the resources to raise a child. That reality hit home for foster parent Brittany Tyler when she saw a news story about a baby boy abandoned at a fire station. As soon as she heard about it, she hoped he would be placed with her family, according to TODAY. In Kentucky, the Safe Infant Act allows parents to anonymously and legally surrender an infant at designated locations—no questions asked.

Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography
Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography LLC

At first, Brittany and her husband, Chris, knew little about the circumstances surrounding the baby’s surrender. Later, they learned his mother had been unable to provide for him and left him in a shoebox with a heartfelt handwritten note explaining why she had to let him go. The couple named him Samuel, and after fostering him for 581 days, they were finally able to adopt him. Now 20 months old, Samuel has found his forever home with parents who had been waiting for him all along.

Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography
Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography LLC

They also adopted two other boys, Judah, 8, and Calvin, 5, through the foster care system. The couple were called up a few days after Samuel was found at the fire station. They were chosen because they fostered medically fragile babies. The couple got to see Samuel for the first time outside the neonatal intensive care unit (NCIU), and he weighed just over 3 pounds. Chris spoke about the experience, saying, "I remember holding him in my arms and knowing right off the bat, 'This is my boy. This is the next member of our family.'"

Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography
Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography LLC

Getting to adopt these foster kids is a dream come true for the couple after they had a lot of problems related to infertility. Brittany shared that all she had ever wanted was to become a mother. In fact, the couple seems to be quite fond of kids because the doormat outside their house reads, "Just so you know, there's a lot of kids here." The couple is presently in the process of adopting another foster child, a baby girl. Samuel has already made quite the impression on his two older brothers, as the three have grown quite close.

Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography
Image Source: Facebook | Heather Shay Photography LLC

The infant is also in awe of his new baby sister, trying to pick her up every chance she gets. The couple wants Samuel's biological mother to know that they are immensely grateful to her for the noble choice she made. They have kept her handwritten note safely so that Samuel could read it when he got older. He also continues to sleep with the blanket, which was turned into a teddy bear by Brittany, stating, "So that he always has a piece of her."

You can follow Heather Shay's work on Facebook.

This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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