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Sweet little baby left adorably mind-boggled upon seeing mom's twin sister for the first time

A viral video of a toddler meeting their mother's twin sister for the first time is equally sweet and hilarious.

Sweet little baby left adorably mind-boggled upon seeing mom's twin sister for the first time
Cover Image Source: Reddit/u/Viewer4038

Editor's note: This article was originally published on March 17, 2023. It has since been updated.

It is one of the most common tropes in movies and TV shows - the scene where a character meets their identical twin for the first time, which results in utter confusion and disbelief. But it's not just a fictional scenario because identical twins exist in real life too, and their presence can be just as baffling to those who have never encountered them before. This was the case for one toddler upon meeting their mother's twin sister for the first time.

In a video, the baby can be seen sitting in their high chair, giggling as they watch their mother walk by. But when her twin sister enters the room, the baby's expression changes to that of confusion and uncertainty. They stare at the second woman intently, as if trying to process what they are seeing. This reaction is not uncommon among babies and young children who encounter identical twins for the first time. According to experts, young children are still developing their ability to recognize and distinguish between different faces, so seeing two people who look exactly the same can be overwhelming and confusing.

Image Source: Reddit/ u/Viewer4038
Image Source: Reddit/ u/Viewer4038

But why do identical twins look so similar in the first place? The answer lies in their genetics. Identical twins are the result of a single fertilized egg splitting into two embryos, each of which develops into a separate individual. Because they come from the same fertilized egg, identical twins share the same DNA and therefore have nearly similar physical characteristics.

For babies and young children who are still learning to recognize and differentiate between different faces, this can be a difficult concept to grasp. Seeing two people who look exactly the same can be confusing and disorienting, especially, if they are used to seeing only one person at a time.

Image Source: Reddit/ u/Viewer4038
Image Source: Reddit/ u/Viewer4038

But while the baby in the video may have been confused by their mother's twin sister, it is important to remember that this reaction is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about. As children grow and develop, they become better at recognizing and distinguishing between different faces and the confusion they may have felt when encountering identical twins for the first time will eventually subside.

Image Source: GettyImages/ Leland Bobbe
Representative Image Source: GettyImages/Leland Bobbe

Reddit users were amused by the baby's confusion and shared their personal experiences with stories. "I have identical twin daughters (16) and they love to confuse people. They were at Target the other day looking at books and they were in different aisles. Some guy walked past the first twin then went past the second twin and he stopped and backed up. He was so confused for a minute," wrote u/bonkersx4. "When you swear your object permanence was kicking in, and your aunt decides to throw you a curve ball," commented u/Budget_Report_2382. 

"I'm an identical twin (F) and this brought back great memories with my niece and nephew. I can totally relate to this," shared u/Puzzleheaded-Trip990. "Haha! I am an identical twin as well and when my first nephew was little and I was holding him he kept looking at me with SO much confusion and kept looking between my sister and I trying to figure out why I LOOKED like Mom and kinda SOUNDED like Mom but wasn't Mom," commented u/Enchanted_Presence.

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