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Author shares immense joy over receiving a book review: 'It may not be five stars, but I'm happy'

An author shared the joyous moment when their book got its first review and how it made them extremely happy.

Author shares immense joy over receiving a book review: 'It may not be five stars, but I'm happy'
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

Writing a book is no small feat; it requires focus and commitment. One of the greatest joys for an author is receiving feedback after their book is published. u/YearoftheWyvern shared a post on Reddit highlighting their first book review on Amazon. The post received 1.8K upvotes and 80 comments. Titled, "May not be 5 stars, but I'm happy my book got its first review."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Leah Newhouse
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Leah Newhouse

The book received a four-star review and was described as a must-read. They wrote, "Initially, I was a bit skeptical about getting this book since I've never read anything by the author, but the cover art was beautifully done and the synopsis was interesting, so I decided to give it a chance." The reviewer stated that the beginning of the book was slow but that it picked up and got intriguing. They described all of the characters to be "well fleshed out." The review covered how the ending was an absolute twist and that it was an ideal book for people who liked the romance and fantasy genre.

Image Source: Reddit | u/YearoftheWyvern
Image Source: Reddit | u/YearoftheWyvern
Image Source: Reddit | u/survivalguyledeuce
Image Source: Reddit | u/survivalguyledeuce
Image Source: Reddit | u/brandon-568
Image Source: Reddit | u/brandon-568

The reviewer concluded, "I'll definitely be reading it when it comes out." People wrote words of support in the comment section. u/doesitevermatter- said, "I wish people wouldn't say that there's a twist in a book in their reviews or synopses. That's kind of a spoiler in and of itself. Congrats on the review and book, though!" u/iKyrax shared, "When I was searching for it on my Kindle, nothing popped up, but I decided to hit enter anyways and it showed up! I was surprised to see it only be $3.00. I love sci-fi and fantasy, but I have been wanting to try something with some romance. This sounds like it would be worth a shot! Added to my list!"


It’s also an incredibly happy moment for an author to see someone reading their book. Joseph Fasano, a poet and novelist, had a wonderful encounter on a flight when he noticed a fellow passenger reading his book on a flight. The author posted on X to share the happy moment and asked for suggestions about what he should do. The book that the woman was reading was his latest work, "The Swallows of Lunetto." He eventually asked her if she was enjoying the book and even revealed that he had read it "about 100 times." 


The woman still failed to recognize him and instead began to talk about her trip to visit her family. Fasano wrote, "I asked them if they're traveling for work or fun and they said, 'Just a little trip to see family,' and looked directly at me for a moment and... we're still here." People shared their thoughts in the comment section. @jorie_graham pointed out, "You watch them read it. They've just started it so you can quietly suffer through every sigh, sleepy moment—or conversely, every moment they seem gripped by it. Do they put it down to eat, or do they eat holding it in the other hand? You suffer. That's the story now. For hours."

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