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Ironman athlete’s unconventional marriage proposal goes viral as he collapses from exhaustion

He got a bad leg cramp while proposing and fell to the ground as his partner patiently waited for him to get back up.

Ironman athlete’s unconventional marriage proposal goes viral as he collapses from exhaustion
Image Source: TikTok | ironman_estonia

An unusual marriage proposal may come as an incredible surprise, more so than an ordinary proposal, leaving a lasting memory for the couple and their loved ones. It could be something creative, quirky or downright bizarre, but it's a surefire way to make the proposal a memorable event. The internet was set ablaze with comments when a fearless athlete made a crucial decision about the ideal moment to pop the question. Marti Alt, who had just completed the grueling Ironman race, caught everyone off guard as he suddenly fell to his knees, not due to exhaustion or injury, but to propose to his girlfriend, Viibeke, in front of a massive audience. The video was posted on TikTok which went instantly viral.

Image Source: TikTok/@ironman_estonia
Image Source: TikTok/@ironman_estonia


However, things took a surprising turn as Marti suffered a bout of leg cramps, causing him to collapse on the ground, much to the amusement of the onlookers. While Viibeke eagerly awaited Marti's proposal, he lay helpless, writhing in agony. However, she said yes when he finally popped the question. Although the details of what inspired Marti Alt to propose to Viibeke during an Ironman race are unknown, the video of the incident has become a viral sensation. This is partly due to its unconventional timing and partly due to the unexpected way that the race took its toll on Marti, causing him to struggle with leg cramps just as he was about to pop the question.

TikTok user @lawandlattes didn't seem to like it very much. They commented, "This is the least romantic and most bizarre proposal I’ve ever seen." User @bonkersclub seemed to appreciate the effort and said, "Well done sir! That will be the most memorable cramp ever. Lol. Congrats!!" Yet others accused Malti of making the proposal all about himself, while a few users called it quirky and memorable. However, what matters most is that she said yes in the end. 

Image Source: TikTok/@ironman_estonia
Image Source: TikTok/@ironman_estonia


In another unusual and romantic proposal, in September, TV host and correspondent, Roz Weston, published his memoir "A Little Bit Broken," dedicating the last chapter to his partner, Katherine Holland. In a YouTube proposal video, Weston claimed to be the first person to write an entire book to propose to his partner, who he called the "greatest person" he had ever known. 

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok


In the YouTube video where he proposed, Weston shared that he had dedicated his memoir, "A Little Bit Broken," to her and had written in the front of the book, "For Katherine, everything that matters, everything that shines Page 321," which is also where the final chapter. Weston also revealed that he had previously written many drafts of the book, and Katherine had read them all except the final chapter, which she read for the first time with him and their child, and the whole thing was filmed. 

He said that no one was informed beforehand. When he sold the book to the publisher, he did not include the proposal for this chapter. The author managed to sneak in the last chapter with the proposal to his editor on the day he submitted the final manuscript.

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