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Assertive job seeker sets boundaries by refusing to fill out paperwork prior to job offer

The candidate insisted on an official job offer before filling in paperwork, prioritizing transparency.

Assertive job seeker sets boundaries by refusing to fill out paperwork prior to job offer
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Taryn Elliott, Reddit/Antic_Opus

Job-seekers are often treated very poorly by recruiters, leaving them feeling frustrated and disheartened. It can range from lack of communication, being insensitive, or just being unprofessional. A Reddit user shared their own story of dealing with an unprofessional hiring manager who lacked basic communication etiquette. The author begins the post by saying that their previous job went to another company and the new management was not good, so they decided to look for another job. Having a good portfolio, the author had the privilege to be picky about the job that they choose and does not want to be taken for a ride. They apply for a position on Indeed and get a text saying that their resume looks suitable for the role and that they would like to hire them, provided they fill out an application.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Polina Zimmerman
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Polina Zimmerman



The author politely replies to the text, saying that they would gladly once they were assured that they got the job and until then, the company could use the information that they had put up on Indeed. Soon after, the author receives a relatively insensitive reply from the company stating that they needed these documents to "move forward." Seeing how they were responding, the author decided not to join and sent a reply saying the same while highlighting how inefficient the company was at hiring new people.

The author's text elicits a response from the hiring manager, saying, "Yeah, you're not a good fit. We need people who can follow instructions." Not taking it personally, the author humorously points out in the post that they had previously said they were a "great fit." They reply to this by saying they wanted to work at a company that respected their employees' time and wished them luck seeing how bad they were at basic things.

The texting continued with the hiring manager reasoning that they needed additional information for a "culture index" to determine whether they would be a good fit for the position. The manager also refers to the author by their first name, which is highly unprofessional.


They wonder why they are still getting texts despite the hiring manager making it clear that he wasn't ideal for the role. At this point, the author loses their patience and quickly replies, "You don't know me well enough to address me by my first name, nor do I respect you enough to let you address me by my first name. I already told you to revoke my interest, so regardless we're not moving forward with anything."

After this, the author found the company's HR director and made a call to share the incident while sending screenshots of the conversation. They end the post by saying, "I doubt it'll get them fired, but they'll probably get chewed out for it and I'll live in their head rent-free for a couple weeks." Other job seekers on the platform related to the story quite well and shared their own stories in the comments section.

u/beesechurger759 said, "I hate when applications ask you to write loads of BS about yourself and how you're right for the role. Recently I applied to a job I really wanted and had to type out nearly 1000 words to answer all the s***** questions they asked me…2 weeks later; I got the 'Sorry, not sorry, we didn't bother to look at your application and hired someone else, f*** you' email. Never again. If x company wants anything more than just your CV and basic information, the application isn't worth your time."

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