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Archaeologists unearth Egyptian coffin that bears a baffling resemblance to 'The Simpsons'

The internet thinks that the TV show, known to predict the future, itself was predicted via the 3500-year-old coffin.

Archaeologists unearth Egyptian coffin that bears a baffling resemblance to 'The Simpsons'
Cover Image Source: Facebook| Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

The pyramids and deserts of Egypt are known for their invaluable treasures and majestic history. Researchers, archaeologists and others often come up with numerous discoveries and theories about this historical place. In one such incident, a discovery made by researchers a few months ago was a baffling combination of Egyptian history and the TV show “The Simpsons,” reports The Ancient Origin. People are quite excited about it, as the popular TV show often bears traces of connections with the past and the future with its eerily realistic content. The Ministry of Tourism and Archaeology in Egypt set out to study and understand a portion of Minya in Middle Egypt and shared their intriguing finds in a post on Facebook.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| David McEachan
Representative Image Source: Pexels| David McEachan

The researchers were astounded by the massive discoveries from the prehistoric Egyptian period. Of these, the greatest asset the archaeologists stumbled upon was the cemetery containing the tombs of the priests and officials of the time. The team unearthed the tomb of Tadi 1st, daughter of the High Priest of Djehouti in Ashmunein. The tomb was in excellent condition, given that it was thousands of years old, as reported by The Egyptian Gazette. “One of the burials containing an engraved and colored wooden coffin of Mrs. ‘Ta de Eisa’ daughter of ‘Ert Haru,’ the chief priest of Jahuti in Ashmonin, was also found. Beside her, two wooden boxes containing her canopic vessels were found as well as a complete set of Oshabati statues and a statue of Batah Sukkar,” the post’s caption explained. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Miguel Á. Padriñán
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Miguel Á. Padriñán

However, something more striking caught the viewers’ eye after the image was shared. The coffin consisted of a drawing on the upper lid that shook the internet. The drawing represented the traditional 12 hours of the day. “It is a rare and important scene ever. Every scene of the hour has its shape,” the Supreme Council of Antiques’ Chief mentioned. The drawing consisted of a single large figure with 12 other substantially smaller figures, each representing an hour per the 12-hour factor. The most striking feature that has the internet caught off guard is that the drawing resembles the TV character “Marge” from “The Simpsons” show.

The body structure, iconic blue hair, facial features and even the green dress, the character matched the drawing on the lid of the coffin. The drawings were all made to add meaning and understanding to the authentic Egyptian burial customs. However, people can’t ignore the uncanny resemblance. The discoveries are all assumed to be dated to the 2000 BC period and one of the archaeologists, Dr. Mustafa Waziri, states that it is a “ground-breaking” moment in the field. With over 25,000 findings made at the site, this one has caught the attention of several people. 


u/Salsh_Loli shared the image on Reddit, where people recognized the resemblance. u/stellarvelocity observed further and wrote, “Marge also only has four toes, so the plot only thickens for a simulated universe.” u/MELAN-columbia added, “The Simpsons ‘post-dicted’ the Egyptians!” u/Seallypoops wrote, “Simpsons was predicted.” u/Brodiecon added, “Tell me that’s not Marge Simpson.” u/idhahorochs mentioned, “The Simpsons did it!” Along with the coffin of Tadi 1st, there were other coffins, jars and several antiques found, giving a rich glimpse into the historic period.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Salsh_Loli
Image Source: Reddit | u/Salsh_Loli
Image Source: Reddit|u/user
Image Source: Reddit|u/user
Image Source: Reddit|u/KenseiHimura
Image Source: Reddit|u/KenseiHimura

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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