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Anti-vaxx and Pro-Trump woman boasts about getting a fake vaccination card, gets reported to FBI

Samantha Rose Svoboda refuses to get vaccinated and showed off a fake vaccination card that could land her in hot water.

Anti-vaxx and Pro-Trump woman boasts about getting a fake vaccination card, gets reported to FBI
Image source: TikTok/@thatdaneshguy

Samantha Rose Svoboda thought she was owning the government and the Democrats when she boasted about not getting vaccinated and showing off a fake vaccination card. Little did she know that she would get reported to the FBI. Svoboda could possibly be charged with a felony, a federal offense, fined $5,000, and sent to prison for 5 years. Anti-vaxxer and an ardent Trump supporter, Svoboda posted a video referring to herself as a “cute raging little Trumpie” in a TikTok video and can be seen holding a flag that reads: "F*ck Biden." 



The video didn't end there though and Svoboda could be seen showing off a fake vaccination card. She lip-syncs a recorded voice asking, “Who in there still hasn’t been vaccinated,” and then answers, “Me!” The song “What You Gonna Do About It?” starts playing and she can be showing a forged vaccination card to the camera. The anti-vax movement in the country has seen a sharp spike in fake vaccination cards being sold online. FBI warned that those using fake vaccination could face stringent punishment. “That is a misuse of a government seal. It’s actually a crime to do that. It comes with it for each offense, up to a $5000 fine or 5 years in prison,” said the FBI in a statement.



A fellow TikToker, Danesh, who routinely crusades against law offenders including predators and anti-vaxxers, took up Svoboda's case. Danesh stitched a video to Svoboda's original video. As she lip-syncs the song "What You Gonna Do About It?,” Danesh interrupts to tell her that he will be reporting her to the FBI. “Quite literally, report you to the FBI for a fake COVID vaccine card. Why would you challenge this? Your information is on the card. Look!” Danesh's video went viral, garnering more than 15.2 million views and 3 million likes. 






He then proceeds the flip the video and shows that her information is available on the card she's flashing before the camera, making it easier to report her. Danesh did report her to the FBI as promised and also tagged the bureau. The video went viral, garnering more than 11 million views on TikTok. Svoboda took down her original video and her account was suspended for violating Community Guidelines. Her Facebook account was also made private.





Earlier this year, the FBI said, "By misrepresenting yourself as vaccinated when entering schools, mass transit, workplaces, gyms, or places of worship, you put yourself and others around you at risk of contracting Coronavirus," reported Kiro 7. State attorney generals also called on e-commerce sites to weed out the black market for fake vaccination cards. "The false and deceptive marketing and sales of fake Coronavirus vaccine cards threaten the health of our communities, slows progress in getting our residents protected from the virus, and are a violation of the laws of many states," wrote the National Association of Attorneys General sent the CEOs of Twitter, Shopify, and eBay.



New York legislators are working towards making it a felony to forge or possess fake immunization records, including Coronavirus cards. New York State Senate passed the legislation Sponsored by State Senator Anna M. Kaplan and Assembly member Patricia Fahy. "We're using vaccine cards and passports to make everything safer from baseball to Broadway, but the system relies on individuals being truthful about their vaccination status in order to keep everyone safe," said Anna M. Kaplan, reported NPR. "We're already seeing anti-vaxxers spread tips online for how to create fake cards in order to get around vaccination mandates, and we need to put a stop to this effort to defraud the public so that our recovery from the pandemic can keep moving forward."


Disclaimer: Information about the pandemic is swiftly changing, and Upworthy is committed to providing the most recent and verified updates in our articles and reportage. However, considering the frequency in developments, some of the information/data in this article may have changed since the time of publication. Therefore, we encourage you to also regularly check online resources from local public health departments, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.

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