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American living in the UK lists the things in British supermarkets that confuse US people

An American man living in the UK highlights British supermarket products that might confuse Americans.

American living in the UK lists the things in British supermarkets that confuse US people
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm

We don't really spend too much time thinking about supermarkets and how each of them has items specifically catered to whatever location they are in. The difference is especially evident when you compare supermarkets in the UK and the US. Some key differences may just surprise individuals. Jeff Thurm—who goes by @jeffthurm on TikTok—posted a video where he revealed things in a British supermarket that could potentially confuse Americans. The video captioned, "What else would Americans be surprised by?" has got 1.2 million views and 871 comments on the social media site.

Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm
Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm

The first thing that might confuse Americans is the fact that British supermarkets kept their eggs out in the open and not in a refrigerator. As he says this, viewers get to see shelves of eggs in an aisle that is not refrigerated. The next thing that would be a surprise is that cashiers in the UK sat down while they calculated the bill, in contrast to the US, where they were made to stand up during their entire shift. Thurm also highlights how British supermarkets offer meal deals and viewers get to see readymade meals on the shelves.

Image Source: TikTok | @rleat_fitness
Image Source: TikTok | @rleat_fitness
Image Source: TikTok | @looking_about
Image Source: TikTok | @looking_about

Thurm shares two final observations about lemonade and chips. Lemonade came in big bottles and chips had unconventional flavors, such as roasted chicken and thyme. People who watched the video found the differences interesting and shared their insights in the comments section. @thegrey79 said, "Cashiers don't sit down in the US? That sounds uncomfortable." Another individual, @lucyboateng_, highlighted, "Going to America and ordering lemonade and realizing you should have asked for Sprite."

Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm
Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm

Seeing how popular the first video was, Thurm decided to post a second video with even more things about British supermarkets that would confuse Americans. He starts off by showcasing Bovril, which was essentially a beef paste. After this, viewers get to see a very colorful packet of pickled onion with a picture of a green alien on it. Thurm clarifies, "Yes, the crisps are shaped like alien faces." He moves on to a product called Malt Loaf and reveals how he had no idea what it was but that he had heard disgusting things about it.

Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm
Image Source: TikTok | @jeffthurm

We also get to see Jaffa Cakes and a huge assortment of alcoholic drinks with a variety of flavors. The store contains even more strange products, such as scotch eggs, chicken kievs and undiluted squash. Thrum specifically requests Americans in the UK to add water to the squash before they drink it. Viewers had their own opinions on all the products in the video and shared them in the comments section. @pinkyflamingo52 commented, "We used to have chicken Kiev and I'm so mad that I can't find them anymore!"


Image Source: TikTok | @thegrey79
Image Source: TikTok | @thegrey79
Image Source: TikTok | @timthehotmess
Image Source: TikTok | @timthehotmess

@svendee0 expressed, "Scotch eggs are amazing. Eggs, sausage meat in breadcrumbs. Just think of it as a ham and egg sandwich but better." Another person, @uptkan1, hilariously shared, "I can't buy a malt loaf. I would eat the whole loaf in one sitting with a worrying amount of butter." @sandsbigalow said, "I'm British and hate Bovril, scotch eggs and squash. But you must try marmite!"

Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 12, 2024. It has since been updated.

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