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Ambulance driver stands up against management’s unfair requests: ‘I will not work for free’

The driver asked for fair compensation for working additional hours as he has to sacrifice his personal time and deal with intense fatigue.

Ambulance driver stands up against management’s unfair requests: ‘I will not work for free’
Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Alex Edelman

Ambulance drivers, the unsung heroes of emergency medical services, carry the weight of immense responsibility on their shoulders. Their job is undeniably stressful as they navigate chaotic traffic, unpredictable situations, and time-sensitive emergencies. Racing against the clock, they must skillfully maneuver through crowded streets, ensuring the safety of patients while providing critical medical care en route to the hospital. 

In addition to that, drivers should be equally compensated for any additional working time they put in beyond their regular hours. Additional working hours often mean sacrificing personal time and leisure, increasing stress and fatigue. Fair compensation acknowledges and values employees' extra effort and dedication, fostering a positive work environment. An ambulance driver, u/TheVillain117, shared their story of not being paid for coming in early.

The post begins with the author detailing how the management at their workplace pressurizes them to come in 15 minutes before their shift starts. They justify their decision by saying that drivers coming in early will allow them to check the trucks to ensure they're ready for the rest of the day. The author provides a reality check on the request, saying, "It never works out that way though because things break or night shift leaves the units a shit show, which leads to me catching a talking to by management for not coming in early." Management further insists that they be a "team player" and come in early to make things smoother.

Since the driver is not being paid for the additional 15 minutes of working, they see no point in arriving early. They say, "I will not work for free. Are you going to write me up for refusing to work without pay? If it's not important enough to pay me, then it's not important enough to do."

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Joe Raedle
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Joe Raedle




In addition to the management not providing drivers with the additional payment, the drivers themselves, especially the older ones at the establishment, voluntarily come in early and demean those who don't do the same. Clearly frustrated with everything, the author writes, "Pressuring the younger staff to be exploited because they don't know any better is infuriating. No one should have to apologize for valuing their time and labor." They then end the post by saying that even the most minuscule payments add up to "hundreds of dollars a year." Despite the author's attempts to convince their fellow drivers, they willingly work additional time without pay.

Image Source: Reddit/TMDFiction
Image Source: Reddit/TMDFiction


Image Source: Reddit/Accomplished-Push190
Image Source: Reddit/Accomplished-Push190


Users on the platform were in agreement with the driver and shared stories of how they had to work after hours with no pay. u/ikyle117 commented, "Bro, I literally had to do this tonight. I clock out, lock up and I get a call telling me I need to email my boss a picture and show our progress. I told her I clocked out and she was like, 'Well, it needs to be done today,' and I told her no, I wasn't clocked in, I'm done working now and it will wait until tomorrow. She couldn't believe I wouldn't go through with it." u/malthar76 pointed out, "Prep work is work. Cleanup is work. Closing duties are work."

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