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Aliens will arrive on earth today to start a war, says 'time traveler from the year 2714'

TikTok videos from an alleged time-traveler, who says an intergalactic war is about to break out, have kicked up a storm.

Aliens will arrive on earth today to start a war, says 'time traveler from the year 2714'
Planet earth from the space at night - stock photo/Getty Images Insert: TikTok/

Have you ever looked at the night sky and wondered if we were alone in this universe? Well, it appears your question might be answered as early as today, August 11, 2021. A person claiming to be a "time traveler from the year 2714" says aliens are arriving on earth to start an intergalactic war. The "time traveler" is on TikTok and shared their claim on the platform. The videos have gone viral and the time traveler now has 4 million likes and 625,000 followers on the platform. The time traveler, who goes by @aesthetictimewarper on TikTok, said the war will be preceded by a meteor shower that will rain on the earth on Wednesday, 11 August, before continuing for two full weeks. The time traveler said they want to "help humanity."



The threat is apparently imminent. "Yes, I am a real time-traveler from the year 2714, something amazing happens on August 11, 2021," reads the first message in the short video posted. "There will be a very large meteor shower that lasts for 2 weeks, it will be seen in the Northern hemisphere, containing the Nozic Message." The video then goes on to state that it's the start of the intergalactic war and is set against futuristic music with a dark undertone. "One of the meteors will seem different than all the others, that is because it is a ship landing on Earth, starting preparations for the first Nozic War." The video was posted two days ago and has already been viewed more than 381,000 times and garnered 13,000 likes.


The TikTok user also posted a couple of follow-up videos. Many questioned the veracity of the predictions and their claims of being a time-traveler. The user then responded to the comments with an even more outlandish prediction about the series of events that were going to happen in the near future. "Many of you still don't believe I am a real time-traveler, so remember these five dates." The user then listed out the month/date/year of the events and their descriptions.

"9/14/21: A Category 6 hurricane hits South Carolina, the worst in history."
"10/20/21: 8 humans receive superpowers from extreme energy of the Sun."
"12/14/21: 3 Teenagers find a T-Rex egg and a device to open a portal to an alternate universe."
"2/2/2022: Atlantis is found in the Atlantic Ocean, housing human-fish life."




Many were skeptical, but some wanted to believe it. One user wrote, "First thing I would do as a time traveler: create a TikTok." User @aesthetictimewarper replied: "I have been here since the end of 2020, this account was created at the beginning of June, I was studying what it was like." Some appeared to fact-check his earlier claims that NASA was going to find another earth. "I thought NASA found another earth on August 3, haven't heard anything about that," wrote Travis Larkin. Another added, "Nothing he's said has come true. Tell us something legit."





One user, Melanie, said NASA had already predicted meteor showers and claimed the TikTok-er was just riding on that. "OMG people. The meteor showers are every year. NASA even said a few weeks ago, before this video was posted, that this year's showers were going to be big," wrote Melanie. Many were divided, with one user adding, "Whether real or not, the thought entertains me."

Cosmic Storm - stock photo/Getty Images


Time will tell if the time-traveler is right, but for now, I'll put on my tin foil hat. Just, in case.

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