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Adults share 10 best examples of ‘kid logic’ they've seen that made absolutely no sense to them

Kids and their vibrant imagination might make sense to them but adults are left scratching their heads after listening to those logics.

Adults share 10 best examples of ‘kid logic’ they've seen that made absolutely no sense to them
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tu Nguyen , Reddit | u/niikaadieu

Kids have colorful imaginations.

Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Elina Fairytale
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elina Fairytale

Kids think differently. They don't understand the complications of the word and emotions. They are pretty straightforward and honest with their thoughts and sometimes, they don't fail to baffle the adults in the best possible way. They might ask their guardians a weird set of questions that they can't even rationally answer. Or they are excited to present their own logic behind everyday occurings which are fun to listen to. Sometimes kids will try to solve a problem on their own and baffle the adults even more. Their questions leave even astronauts speechless and they have no concept of age. Well, to sum up some of the weirdest moments like these, u/Ardidub asked the Reddit community to share some of the best examples of kids presenting their logic which made no sense to adults. Here are some of the best answers shared by the community which will make you scratch your head in confusion or make you chuckle at the vibrant imagination of these kids.

1. Trying to maneuver a canoe

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Roman Pohorecki
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Roman Pohorecki

I was fly fishing a popular canoeing river when two middle school-aged kids came paddling down in a rented canoe. They got turned 180 degrees in an eddy and instead of trying to turn their whole canoe back around they just turned around in their seats and started paddling downstream again. Most adults would try paddling back around but this was by far the more efficient way to handle it. u/valuesandnorms. The maneuver those kids pulled off would result in your spine popping like bubble wrap, a pulled groin muscle, and possibly death for anyone over 30. It's just not worth the risk. u/SmashBusters

2. Comparing babysitters with mothers

Image Source: Photo by cottonbro studio/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studios

When I was 15, I used to babysit this lovely kid called Jack. He would very proudly tell people 'I'm three!' He held up three fingers. One day, I asked him how old did he think I was. He gave this very careful consideration. '26.' He said firmly. 'Why do you think I'm 26?' I replied, mildly offended. 'Mummy looks after me and she's 26. You look after me too.' Fair enough! u/ElinorSedai. I love how little kids have no concept of age, when my cousin was younger she thought I was so old when I told her my age, I would’ve only been in my later teens at the time, she even said I was older than her mum, who was probably in her early 40s or late 30s. u/kristalouise02

3. Plotting for Santa and Tooth Fairy to meet

Representation Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representation Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

Maybe not best but recent: My coworker’s kid lost a tooth yesterday, and the kid said he was going to wait until Sunday to put his tooth under the pillow so the Tooth Fairy can meet Santa. u/niikaadieu. I'm thrilled to find out I'm not the only one who still believed in Santa and the Tooth Fairy at 11. There's nothing wrong with still believing in magic and believing that adults don't lie to you until that age. For me it was just like, I forgot to tell anyone I had lost a tooth and the tooth fairy didn't come and that was extremely suspicious so everything else just kind of crumbled. Good for that kid for still believing in magic. u/OneGoodRib 

4. Kids questioning about professions

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

I remember a story of an astronaut going to give a talk in a school and one kid asked him 'How do I become an astronaut?' and the astronaut replied 'You have to go to school for a very long time and then train your body and mind and then pass a test and it's very hard' and then the kid replied 'that's like only 4 things!' Changed my outlook on life. u/HiThisIsMichael. That's interesting. I worked at a museum and found that kids (the ones that wanted to be there) were easy to impress and always asked the best questions. Adults asked bad questions because they didn't want to look ignorant. u/Accipiter1138

5. They just want the cake

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kh-ali-l
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kh-ali-l

My grandson helped me bake a birthday cake for his grandpa. He and I mixed it, baked it, let it cool, HEAVY SIGH! We frosted it and decorated it, sprinkles anyone? He wanted to have cake right away. I explained we had to sing 'Grandpa Happy Birthday.' I'm thinking after the birthday dinner. My husband had just got home from work and was in the shower. Grandson knocks on the bathroom door and proceeds to sing the birthday song as loud as he can. He then runs to the kitchen to announce Grandpa got his birthday song! Let's eat cake! He was 3.5 years old! u/Individual_Serious

6. Misheard mayhem

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antonius Ferret
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antonius Ferret

In late 2020, my nephew told us he hated the farmers and they should go to jail. Incredibly confused, we asked why. He said he wished they would stop killing people because he wanted to go back to school. After some back and forth, we realized when we’d been saying ‘quarantine’, he didn’t understand the word and decided we must mean ‘corn fields’. 5-year-old logic then reasoned that the corn farmers were the cause of lockdowns and all the people getting sick. My family still jokes about ‘those damn corn farmers’ anytime something throws a wrench in our plans. u/Nawa1995

7. Kids thinking they have superpowers

Representative Image Source: Pexels | 
Ksenia Chernaya
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ksenia Chernaya

One day, when my daughter was around five, I was sitting in the living room reading when I saw her out of the corner of my eye peering around the corner from the hallway at me. Then she runs full tilt from the hallway, through the living room, into the kitchen. She comes out of the kitchen and asks me, "Daddy, could you see me?" She thought if she ran fast enough she'd be invisible. u/Blackmere. If I went to the bathroom at night I used to try to run back to my room and leap into bed before the toilet finished flushing because I thought no one would hear me over the sound of the flush. It came out that my parents always knew when I used the bathroom at night (and not my sister) because there would be frenzied stomping down the hall after the flush. u/t3hgrl

8. Parents can't be in school according to kids

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva

I was in college when my son was little but he always referred to it as my job. I told him I was going to school, he even had to come with me a couple of times, but he wasn't having it. His logic was that school is for kids, you can't be a mom and a kid, so it must not be school. u/Kiwi-VonFluffington. We had the opposite; my son was born when my husband was in grad school, and he was just finishing up his degree when our son was in preschool. Son was always asking if his advisor had taught him all the colors or any songs about animals, and whenever he played around on the computer keyboard would say he was working on my thesis. u/SofieTreleska 

9. Towels can't get wet for them

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Min An
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Min An

Towels can’t get wet because they dry things. You have to stay away from trees in lightning storms because wood conducts electricity. You say thank you when someone has done something for you, so if you ask someone to do something and quickly say thank you they have to do it because they already got the thank you. u/Hypyz. You should stay away from trees if they're the tallest thing around. If you don't then you might find your shoes melted to the ground. But if they're not the tallest thing around, or there are many of them, then stay near them! The alternative is walking around in an open area, making yourself the tallest thing in the area. And that's a really good way to get hit by lightning directly. Try to stay roughly 5m away from trees or generally any tall object in a thunderstorm. u/sillyconequaternium

10. Kids and their logic with fashion

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Monstera Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Monstera Production

When I was about 6 or so, my very religious grandmother offered to buy me something at the church yard sale. There was a Grateful Dead shirt. I wasn't familiar with their music back then, I just liked the color and design. She told me it wasn't proper attire for a Christian. I responded with 'Christians go to heaven when they die, right?' She said yes, to which I proclaimed they would then be grateful to be in heaven, and grateful they were dead. The logic didn't work, and I didn't get the shirt. My mom still brings it up and laughs occasionally. As an adult I love the 'Grateful Dead' and for my 40th birthday, my mom got me a 'Grateful Dead' vinyl box set. u/scarekrow25

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