These states have a variety of factors that are ideal to help people get a good night's rest and you might want to consider moving there.
We all know that a good night's sleep is crucial for maintaining good health. People are often advised to eat well, exercise, and cut down on screen time to improve their sleep. But where you live might also play a big role in your sleep quality. According to a survey, these five U.S. states are the best places to move if you're looking for better sleep. Factors like common occupations, work-life balance, and overall environment help determine which states offer the best rest.
The first state on the list is Vermont. According to a KFF analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, 24.1% of adults in the state have mental health conditions like anxiety or depression which is significantly lesser than the national average of 32.3%. The results are consistent with WalletHub's ranking of the states receiving the most adequate amount of sleep. The same study also ranked Vermont second for the best work environment, something that would considerably improve a person's sleep rate because of the commute time, optimal work hours and lesser financial anxiety. The second state on the list was Minnesota which also ranks quite high on the Happiest State index at number 6.
The state also enjoys the 4th rank in the work environment index and eighth rank in the community and environment index. The indexes point out ideal weather, adequate time for leisure and exercise a good working environment with less financial burden and so on. Minnesota has a high number of farmers and professionals who get the most adequate amount of sleep, as per Forbes. According to the Sleep Foundation, the state also has higher access to healthy food and exercise and less mental and physical distress than the national average leading to better sleep and contributing to its high rank on the list. It also has the lowest rate of people who sleep seven hours or less according to the report.
The third state where adults get the most adequate sleep is Colorado. The reason for Colorado's high rank in the sleep index is the ample amount of exercise opportunities because of the availability of hiking and other recreational sports and good access to healthy foods, as per YourTango. The state also has great medical facilities for both mental and physical well-being which leads to people getting better quality sleep than the average. The fourth state on the list is Nebraska. The rural area, less noise and pollution and overall a better environment might be a reason behind Nebraska's rank on the list, as per YourTango. The state also ranks 7th in the work environment index and 9th in the overall happiness index, pointing out the reason behind adults sleeping soundly in the state.
The fifth state on the list is Oregon. Which again has a great environment, less pollution, good exercise rates and so on that contribute to good sleep quality in people. The state also has protected natural areas as well as rural communities that can be essential for a person's well-being. It also has a cooler temperature according to YourTango that leads to better sleep with windows open.