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A rare sanctuary in Hawaii where people can get benefits of therapy by just cuddling adorable cows

This is the perfect place for someone who loves to cuddle animals and who seeks comfort from such wholesome gestures.

A rare sanctuary in Hawaii where people can get benefits of therapy by just cuddling adorable cows
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Hawaii Farm Trails

Every person who is fond of animals would love to snuggle up with one. People who love animals generally don't have their love reserved for just one type of pet. They like to spend time with other adorable animals too, such as rabbits, turtles and cows. That is why when people were offered the opportunity to cuddle cows and get the maximum benefits of therapy by Krishna Cow Sanctuary, they agreed to it instantly.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Matthias Zomer
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Matthias Zomer

Krishna Cow Sanctuary is located in Hawaii and it loves having people over who would like some cow cuddles. They allow people coming in to cuddle with these kind, soft, and adorable animals and refer to it as some sort of "cow cuddle therapy." The charge for this therapy - only $20. This sanctuary has more than 200 bovines including bulls, steers, calves and retired mother cows living there. Their website says that cows are the sacred embodiment of Mother Earth since they provide us with so many benefits. Everything right from their milk to their wastes is useful to humans and has remedial properties as well. 

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This sanctuary practices cruelty-free dairy which means that the products they make and sell are procured without any harm or cruelty towards animals. They say, "Lactating mothers are milked only by hand, alongside their nursing calves." They also add how they never kill or sell any of their animals, all while simultaneously rescuing more and more cows to give them a better life. The sanctuary ensures that their herd gets to graze on the best of pastures, which are currently spent across 130 acres of land. The land is made available after talking to local landowners and getting them to agree with the cow grazing - but not before explaining the benefits of the same to them.


According to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board of the United Kingdom, cow grazing aids parasite control, facilitates effective manure management, optimizes nutrient utilization and preserves the pastures. It says how this also helps in an increased production and long-term sustainability of the farm. The people at the sanctuary love cows and want more people to understand the love of cows as well. Their 'Cow Cuddle Therapy' costs only $20 and is quite popular. They ensure patrons that all the proceeds from this go directly to take better care of the cows and nothing else. This therapy is more than what you do at a petting zoo. Videos of people cuddling with cows show the instant joy they feel in their hearts after embracing these huge, soft animals. The cows go as far as to take naps while being caressed in the laps of their visitors. 

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Cows are sensitive and kind animals as is and are sometimes also saddened by seeing their visitors leave. These big cuddly animals are as harmless as they come and are known to give the best hugs - thanks to their long necks and soft skin. So, the next time you're looking for some animal therapy, be sure to visit this sanctuary and give these cute animals some kisses, cuddles, and scratches. 

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