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Man can't hide his happiness after getting flowers on his first date: 'Get your man flowers right now'

He asks in the video, 'Is this what it feels like to get treated right? I’m not even a flowers guy, but... I might be now.'

Man can't hide his happiness after getting flowers on his first date: 'Get your man flowers right now'
Cover Image Source : TikTok | @fonzian

It is usually women who love to receive flowers. But who said men can't enjoy them too? A TikTok user, @fonzian, was thrilled to receive flowers on his first date in a while. He says in the video, "I went on my first day in four years this weekend. And the craziest thing happened. I got flowers. And not just any crappy flowers: they’re in a bouquet, in a mason jar. I was literally speechless. Like, what do I say? This is my first time getting flowers. Like, I don’t even know," as reported by ScaryMommy.


He goes on to show the beautiful white and violet flowers in a jar. He looks at them and then smiles. He then asks, "Is this what it feels like to get treated right? I’m not even a flowers guy, but... I might be now."

TikTok | @fonzian
TikTok | @fonzian


The video has close to a million views and is captioned, "get your man flowers right now." Many on the social media platform could understand how Fonz was feeling. @spideys.archive commented, "every guy turns into flowers guy after receiving them." @themusclemami commented, "He said 'I might be now,' this is so precious 😭" @abbey.lara commented, "I got my boy flowers once, he still talks about it to this day (girls if he’s the one, get HIM flowers)" @hunterthemenace commented, "My girl got me flowers on Valentine’s Day and I cried lmao. Ladies get ya man’s flowers it’ll mean more than ya think it does." @kgsw2 commented, "So crazy that’s unusual. I buy my husband flowers sometimes & I have for others as well." @catterpillartheory commented, "This is so cute!! 🥰 My ex-husband always bought me flowers and when I bought him a bouquet of roses after his knee surgery he was soooo happy."

TikTok | @fonzian
TikTok| @fonzian


Talking about men, a woman a TikTok told others not to settle for average men. Rose is a 22-year-old woman who is engaged to a man named Drake and says he is proof there are good men out there. She goes by the username @rosesmaddox on TikTok and spoke up when asked a question by another user, @ayandastood. Rose also listed different ways Drake makes her happy and it sparked a debate on settling for average partners. “I’ve been with my fiancé since I was 15. I’m 22 now and we got engaged in May,” Rose says in the video. “Here are some of the things he does that made me want to marry him.”

She added that he supports her career and cheers her up when she has a bad day. Rose shared that she knew he was the one when he exchanged cars with her so that she could listen to music and have air conditioning while traveling to work. “I used to drive an old Hyundai Sante Fe with no heating, no air, and no music and he would let me drive his car to work and he would take mine to his work so I could listen to music and have air conditioning since my drive was two minutes longer,” she said.



“If I tell him I’m having a bad day, he comes home from work with either flowers, ingredients for him to make me a meal, or some sort of gift,” she continued. “Right now, he works nine to five and I’m finishing up my last year of college so I’m bearing a lot of the housework. But, anytime he comes home and he sees that I’ve cleaned something, he points to it and says: ‘Thank you for doing that.’” 

She requested people to not settle for an average man. “There are people out there that want to meet and exceed that standard and love you in a way that you could never have imagined,” she said, captioning Drake as “the epitome of a dream man.” The TikTok video has been viewed 13 million times on the platform and liked 2.9 million times. 

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