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A man convinced his lifelong Republican grandma to vote blue. He's asking you to do the same.

Brennan Suen started a dialogue with his conservative grandma to show her just how much voting for Joe Biden meant to him during this critical election cycle.

A man convinced his lifelong Republican grandma to vote blue. He's asking you to do the same.
Image Source: (Top) Getty Images/ filadendron (Bottom) Twitter/ brennansuen

Like many of us, Brennan Suen has had a tough four years. Ever since Donald Trump was sworn in as the President of the United States, his life has been a series of one terrible policy move after another.  Suen, a member of the LGBTQIA+ community himself, is the LGBTQ program director at Media Matters for America, the nation's premier progressive media watchdog. Another four years of a Trump administration could prove particularly disastrous for him and others in the queer community. When he realized same-sex marriage may very well no longer be a reality, he recognized the importance of every single vote during the upcoming Presidential elections. So, he called up his grandma, who has voted red all her life, to convince her otherwise this year.




Suen shared the experience of talking with his grandmother on Twitter, where his thread soon went viral. He posted, "After RBG died, I listened to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez say, there is someone in your life who only you can get to in this election, and it is your job to get to them. Since then, I have been filled with anxiety knowing what I needed to do. For me, that's my 94-year-old grandmother." He explained that she had always voted for the Republican candidate, but has also been his greatest ally. He explained, "The first thing she said to me when I came out was that she wanted me to have a grandkid for her." Therefore, he decided to give it a go. What's the worst that could happen, right?




"I have never called her crying, but I did today," Suen shared. "I told her that in my work, I advocate for my community every day, and the last four years has been unbearably difficult for me. I told her the Republicans are trying to take away our right to marry, adopt, access health care. I told her a vote for Republicans was a vote that would harm me and my future. I told her I was scared. And today, my grandmother promised me she would vote for Joe Biden and Joyce Elliott. She told me that I'm the love of her life and that she would not break her promise." Just like that, when his grandmother realized what was at stake, she knew what the right thing to do was.




Therefore, the Twitter user called on everyone to do the same. "Please call your loved ones," he urged. "Tell them what's at stake. Tell them it's personal. Because it's true. There is someone out there who only you can get to. And their decision will mean the world to you." Suen's tweets have since gone viral. Even Ocasio-Cortez, whose words encouraged him to make the phone call to his grandma, took note. She responded, "Congratulations. Proud of you and your grandmother!" Now, it is your turn to follow in Suen's footsteps. You too can make a change by having conversations with your family members, and sharing just how much a vote for the right candidate could alter your life completely.






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