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Woman goes off on a vendor handing out Pride flags at a farmer's market. She no longer works there.

Dan Floyd was berated for spreading his 'political agenda.'

Woman goes off on a vendor handing out Pride flags at a farmer's market. She no longer works there.
Image Source: BettyKPIX / Twitter

Some boomers are so entitled that they will approach just about anyone they disagree with and demand them to change. When a woman in charge spotted a vendor distributing Pride flags at a farmer's market, she had to intervene. (Oh no, rainbows! Whatever will the young impressionable fair-trade vegans at the market do?) Of course, the interaction was recorded and uploaded almost instantly to social media, where the harsh criticism against the woman eventually pushed the company organizing the market to resign. So from now on, the market will have to somehow find a way to continue on without terrorizing vendors trying to make the world a more accepting place.



In the video, Gail Hayden, the now-former head of the California Farmers' Markets Association, approaches Dan Floyd, a gay man who operates Dan Good Cookies out of the market. He was handing out Pride flags to customers and so she begins berating him, claiming that he was spreading his "political agenda" in a space that prohibited it. First up, how is promoting love and acceptance a "political agenda" at all? More importantly, even if he were doing something against the rules of the farmer's market - which he was not - that was simply no way to speak to another human being.



"The purpose of, the mission of the market is not your political point of view," she says. "Nobody else has any flags, that should've been a clue... I don't even care what the flags are for. It has nothing to do with anything." She then accuses the vendor of not having read the market's 30-page handbook (that actually, as it turns out, mentions nothing about flags) and claims his act was "disturbing" to her. Floyd retorts, "Gail, what might be disturbing to me is how you're treating me right now." If there were a mic, it would have been dropped right about now.



The incident took place on June 7 in Livermore, California—a suburb of San Francisco about 40 miles east of the city. Floyd was joined at his usual sales booth at the farmer's market by Amy Pannu, the director of the local Pride organization. Together, they were handing out free Pride flags. Speaking to a local news channel, the cookie vendor stated, "She became very confrontational. Very condescending about the entire thing... I definitely felt scared, and I definitely felt scared for my business. It definitely felt like the flags and what they represent were the target of her tirade."



Others online agreed with his sentiments. One person asked on Twitter, "So his existence is political now?" Another added, "What's wrong with this woman? Gail... You live in the Bay Area in 2020... Catch up!" Yeah, Gail. The 1800s called. They want your entitled White heteronormative butt back. Nonetheless, good won over evil in this battle. In an email, vendors at the farmer's market were informed that the former director's company had officially resigned from managing the market. They are currently in the process of finding another company to fill the position. Floyd, in the meantime, has been backed up by hundreds of orders he can't even keep up. Vindication!


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