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A glacier is contesting the presidential elections in Iceland to shed light on climate change

The activists in Iceland have creatively put a glacier on the presidential ballot to bring people's attention toward climate change.

A glacier is  contesting the presidential elections in Iceland to shed light on climate change
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Anushka Sharma

Climate change is a global crisis, and with each passing second, it is affecting our lives in countless ways. Activists around the world are trying to inform people about the need for actions to prevent further damage to our planet. Climate activists in Iceland have decided to take a creative approach to deal with the problem by using a glacier-capped volcano called "Snæfellsjökull" in the country, per Positive News. The geological structure is estimated to be over 700,000 years old, but it could completely disappear at the current rate of ice melting.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Razone Gn
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Razone Gn

So, the activists decided to throw more light on the issue by making the Snæfellsjökull glacier a candidate on the presidential ballot. Even though they failed to get enough signatures to make it happen, they view the entire plan as a success because it was only the first of many steps in tackling the issue of climate change. Campaign member Cody Skahan said, "It's definitely something we're serious about. It's not just a stunt." He further shared how this was the first campaign focusing on familiarizing people with the problem.

Skahan also expressed that they would have much more support in the next few elections once more people became aware of the issue. Ironically, the glacier actually satisfies all the criteria for a person to run for president. It is over 35 years old and has no criminal record. In addition to that, the glacier has stood as a beacon of hope for people during many difficult times over the years. Angela Rawlings, the campaign manager, got the idea from the global Rights of Nature movement, which aims to give non-human natural entities legal rights similar to humans.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mark Neal
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mark Neal

For instance, the glacier could utilize its presidential power to veto if a law came about that would threaten the ecosystem around it. Since people are still not taking the issue very seriously, there were mixed reactions. Younger people were all for it, while older people were reluctant to go ahead with the idea, with many even taking it as a joke. This time around, the team of activists was able to get 300 out of the 1500 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. They will now have to wait another four years before they get another shot at making the glacier eligible. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | DSD
Representative Image Source: Pexels | DSD

The activists are using the time in between to prepare for parliamentary elections and see if something can be done there. Skahan highlighted how the campaign was light-hearted, but they were serious about what they wanted to achieve. It will be remarkable if the activists succeed in the coming years and will most likely set a historical precedent if they do.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mat Brown
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mat Brown

One of the scariest outcomes of climate change is global warming. It has reached a point where global warming might affect global timekeeping. A study published in the Nature Journal, titled: "A global timekeeping problem postponed by global warming," talked about this very issue. If the Earth continues to heat up at this rate, we may witness a negative leap second being added to time settings within a few years. 

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