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A decade later, the ‘buttery flaky crust’ blooper reel continues to make people laugh

Maine couple Jake and Sonja are still basking in their popularity from a viral reel from over a decade ago.

A decade later, the ‘buttery flaky crust’ blooper reel continues to make people laugh
Cover Image Source: YouTube/ Photo by @Sutherlandweston | Dysart

Some things no matter how much time passes, have the ability to cheer anyone up because of the authenticity attached to them. Even after 10 years, the iconic “baked in a buttery flaky crust” bloopers seem to bring the same amount of joy just as when the viral video first surfaced. It features an adorable couple who are trying to get through the phrase “baked in a buttery flaky crust” but are unable to do so even after many genuine attempts. It even became the subject of a hilarious SNL sketch starring Will Ferrell and Kate McKinnon. The adorable couple is still going strong and recently showed up at News Centre Maine for celebrating 10 years of that video. 


The couple featured in the advertisement were Jake and Sonja Palmer. In 2012 they became nothing short of celebrities after they appeared in a commercial by Dysart. More than the commercial it was the blooper reel that garnered them attention, so much so that they became a skit on Saturday Night Live. In the clip, Jake is repeatedly attempting to say the word flaky but is confusing them with terms like crispy or not being able to go through them smoothly. It is evident that Sonja is slowly getting irritated by the entire situation, but still tries to push her husband.


At one point she says to the director that they should have given her the tagline. Ultimately when Sonja was given the responsibility she also stumbled at the word 'flaky' in the phrase. This led to the couple bursting out with laughter. Talking about the experience with Wabi, Sonja could not believe that it had been 10 years, she thought it was something like 7. She further said, “Oh my God. We’ve known so many people come up to us and they want a picture taken. We had one lady that come up with a piece of paper. I thought she was kidding. She said, ‘Can I have your autograph?’ I said you’re kidding me. She says, ‘No, I’m serious. Some people even ask us, ‘Do you mind if we have a picture taken with us.’ and I said, of course not. To me, it’s a compliment.”


The blooper reel has brought in some perks for the couple as well. Dysart offers them a free cup of coffee every time they visit the establishment. They are in no mood to give up their privilege. “When I come in here, we get free coffee for life. I want to live a long time. I want to bankrupt Dysart’s,” Jack said. “I look up, I say, is this gonna be my last coffee, Lord? Nobody answers, so I think I’m gonna have another one.”

Image Source: YouTube/ Photo by @ivetteohh4766
Image Source: YouTube/ Photo by @ivetteohh4766


Image Source: YouTube/ Photo by @LouisAHook
Image Source: YouTube/ Photo by @LouisAHook


The comment section of the blooper reel is still enjoying the couple's dynamics. @CocoTheMii commented on Sonja's antics by writing, "I love how she’s getting increasingly saltier towards him as he continues flubbing the line then she proceeds to say “baked in a bake”. @normjaso writes about the impact of the video, "LOL. The bloopers have done more advertising than any commercial they could have done." @aktareseneir6308 points out their favorite part of the entire reel, "My favorite part is when the wife messes up after chirping him all that time lmao “Baked in a buttery crispy flake”.


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