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A dad received the cutest texts from his little girl after she got her first phone

Apoti Eri took to Twitter to share screenshots of his daughter's first-ever text exchange with him.

A dad received the cutest texts from his little girl after she got her first phone
Image Source: Twitter/ MisterNigerD

Getting your first smartphone is probably a milestone in a lot of children's lives. While most of us did not get a phone until we were much older, digital devices have become somewhat of a necessity for young children these days. This is particularly true given that classes have all gone virtual due to the pandemic. Yes, there are concerns about children's online safety as well as how much time they spend exposed to a screen, but one dad had a positive experience when he gave his daughter her first smartphone. Apoti Eri took to Twitter in order to share the sweet moment with fellow users on the social media platform.




Posting screenshots of his daughter's first few text messages to him from her smartphone, he explained, "Lol, my daughter finally got her [first] phone today. And this is our very [first] conversation." In the first screenshot, his daughter, named Velma, sent him a text with a string of emojis. She wrote to him, "It. is. Velma." With the periods and everything, presumably for added effect. He asked her how she was, to which she responded, "I. Im GOod." A cluster of emojis, including basically the whole first category of emojis on a keyboard, followed.




Evidently, Velma is just getting used to her device. As she played around with it, her dad texted, "That's my baby! I love you." She said she loves him too and even sent a unicorn with heart eyes to show him just how much she loves her dad. He replied, "You are the best thing to ever happen to me!" The father and daughter clearly share an incredibly positive relationship. No first day with a new phone would be complete without a couple of selfies though, so the duo shared some selfies with wide smiles too.




In a follow-up tweet, Eri revealed one more surprise: Velma sent him a video as well. "Thank you, daddy, you’re the best," she says in the short clip. "I love you." As you would assume, the tweet has gone viral. Since it was first posted earlier this week, it has received over a million likes. It has also been shared more than 130,600 times on Twitter alone. Other Twitter users simply could not get over how adorable the whole exchange was. One person posted in response, "This is the type of stuff I wanna see on my timeline from now on."



Others weighed in with screenshots of messages from their own kids or kids in their families. One aunt, for instance, shared a screenshot of her six-year-old nephew telling his brother to shut up using voice text. That child was especially brave because he shared the voice text in a group chat, where both his mom and grandma were present. She commented, "His Christmas present [is] getting taken away before Christmas even gets here." A bunch of Twitter users, taking notice of the sweet exchange, expressed how badly they wanted kids themselves. They may wish for their own children, but no one can guarantee they will be as cool as Velma.



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