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A clever stray cat lead a woman to the food he wanted in a store. Then, she adopted him.

Tania Lizbeth Santos Coy Tova from Mexico was moved to adopt a street cat when he showed her just how smart he is.

A clever stray cat lead a woman to the food he wanted in a store. Then, she adopted him.
Image Source: conejo_elgato / Instagram

If humanity were to end, you best believe that cats would take over the world. Not only are they incredibly intelligent, but they can win you over with a simple look. Case in point: this stray cat who charmed a shopper at a supermarket into taking her home. 33-year-old primary school teacher Tania Lizbeth Santos Coy Tova spotted a stray cat outside one of her local stores. He proceeded to follow her inside and managed to find the cat food aisle. Now, because of his act of ingenuity, he's found himself a new home where he never has to worry about food ever again.


The incident took place in Piedras Negras, Mexico, when Tania was on her way to the store. In a video she took of the cute exchange between herself and the cat, she is seen speaking lovingly to him and petting him. He follows her inside the supermarket, walks over to the cat food, and points his paw at the kind he wants. Of course, cat owners, you already know what he picked - wet food. Completely ignoring all the dry food on the shelf, he climbed onto the shelf and began sniffing the wet food. The video clip, posted to Instagram, ends there. However, the cat's story does not. Impressed by his charm and intelligence, Tania decided to take him home.



Once she adopted the fluffy little Einstein, she decided to name him Conejo, which is Spanish for "rabbit." The 33-year-old picked the name as he does not have a tail, or well, he has one that resembles the short, stubby tail of a rabbit. Now, Conejo has a loving home where he gets all the wet food he wants. He has also received medical care for the injuries he sustained while out on the street. Even more adorably, the cat has a cute friend - his favorite toy Rene. Tania said in an interview, "We had to first heal many wounds he had. We do not know if it was due to mistreatment by people or simply because he was in fights with other street animals. He allowed himself to be touched and carried, but his countenance was very sad and fearful all the time, even before he came to our house."



Thankfully, he no longer has to be afraid of other street animals or cruel humans. "We didn’t have any animals, but I think he taught us a great lesson," Tania added. "That we must show respect, love, and empathy towards other beings." While this kind woman can love and treasure Conejo, folks across the world have also been able to enjoy his adorable nature. Tania regularly uploads photos and videos of her cat on Instagram, where he has become quite the star. Tania, too, has been praised for opening her home to a stray cat. Gloryanvonnoirofficial, commenting on one of Conejo's photos, stated, "God bless you for saving this poor cat." Another Instagram user added, "Thank you so much for your kindness towards this stray cat! God bless you and [Conejo]." Right now, the world could definitely do with more people like Tania.



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