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Cat mom throws an epic baby shower for her pregnant cat: 'Gorgeous girl about to become a mama'

The baby shower for the pregnant cat included elaborate decorations, a champagne glass full of milk, cute gifts, and even special guests.

Cat mom throws an epic baby shower for her pregnant cat: 'Gorgeous girl about to become a mama'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @jess_the_superdog

Baby showers are a great way to celebrate one's pregnancy journey and make them feel loved, cared for, and supported. Baby showers are customary for humans, but one woman's attempt to throw an elaborate baby shower for her cat has gone viral on the internet. While some people are finding it adorable, others are calling this "crazy cat lady" behavior. Instagram account @jess_the_superdog wanted to make her pregnant cat feel loved, special and amazing. And that is when she planned the beautiful cat baby shower, as reported by Scary Mommy.

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"POV: You throw a baby shower for your pregnant cat," the text overlay on the video read. In the video, we see all details of the baby shower for her cat, Cleo. The room had it all: banners, steamers, and balloons. On top of everything, the champagne glass had milk that Cleo sipped from.

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The woman later added another elaborated video of the party showing a special guest, her dog Jess, a card, and some gifts. The cat's mom helped Cleo open the gift. "Did I give my cat a baby shower? Yes, yes I did," she wrote in the caption on Instagram. "I know there will be judgment and I know people will disagree, but we had a blast! Even if Cleo had no idea what was happening, it was the memories made that count. I'll always be able to look back on the time I gave my cat a baby shower." This video has gained over 465k views and 65.2k likes on Instagram.

People on the internet had mixed reactions to the video. @missdreus shared, "Love it! I had one for my cat! Spent a bunch decorating and buying food. Made cat-shaped pizzas and all." @gowildfreechild commented, "Someone’s got to get on the bandwagon and set up baby showers for people's cats. I can see this being a fantastic side hustle." @mylifeincats commented, "Umm, this is ridiculously sweet! Congrats to the gorgeous girl about to become a mama! And congrats to you!!" @prathisthakhan wrote, "This is so beautiful. Your kitty looks pleased. (I have cats, and I can “see” their barely perceptible body language). Sorry, you got hate for such a sweet gesture. Keep loving on your pets. They look really well cared for. Thank you for bringing joy to this world." @debdali expressed, "People might judge, but this is so pure and cute thought of you." @dubbyartie said, "You have too much money and time on your hands. Aside from that, aww how cute."

While some people disagreed with the idea of throwing a baby shower for one's cat, it is totally up to pet parents about how they want to show love and warmth to their pets. As for Cleo, she has now given birth to her cute little kittens. "We have 5 beautiful babies! 1. black & white! 1. fully black! 1. ginger & white! And one fully ginger!" she wrote in text overlay on an Instagram story, reported Scary Mommy. Congrats to the new mama!

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Congratulations to Cleo and her human mom!

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