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93-year-old transforms her room into makeshift workshop to make beds from rags for shelter dogs

Joan Potter uses fabric scraps and her time to make cozy and colorful beds for the comfort of dogs in shelter homes.

93-year-old transforms her room into makeshift workshop to make beds from rags for shelter dogs
Cover Image Source: YouTube/WHAS11

Kindness is the way forward in the crushing world today. Simple things one does often account for something wholesome in someone’s life. There is never too little or too much that you can have to offer. The best part about kindness is that no matter who you are and what you have to offer, it will always be enough. An example of 93-year-old Joan Potter will lift your spirit. shared an interview with Joan Potter who does something selfless and beautiful for animals. The article mentioned how she, even at 93, doesn’t fail to serve kindness in a cozy manner.

Image Source: Photo by Mira Gane/ Pixabay
Image Source: Photo by Mira Gane/ Pixabay


Potter spends her time making blankets and beds for dogs to keep them comfortable and warm. The article mentioned how her room is a colorful workshop full of materials, tools, wool, fabric and more to create something fuzzy and homely. She makes these beds out of scrap that she collects from the Greater San Antonio Quilting Guild.

Representative Image Source: Photo by Oliver  King/ Pexels
Representative Image Source: Photo by Oliver King/ Pexels


When asked about the same, she said, “I just am happy to do it for them and to know that some dog is going to be comfortable. It makes me feel so good to know that they’re not going to be laying on cement or a hard floor or in the winter.” She weaved her simple thoughts into a trail of kindness and shared them with the paw pals in need. The article mentioned that she provides over 30 beds a month for the animals, all out of scrap. 

These beds are made by Potter with a little help from the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ. They are donated to adoption centers like the San Antonio Humane Society and the Paul Jolly Center for pet adoption in San Antonio. At 93, it’s difficult to do most of the basic stuff, yet Potter devotes her time each day to creating 30 beds in a month. “I cut up rags for days until I have enough to stuff with,” said the 93-year-old. The article also mentioned her attention to detail, sewing and so on so that the animals don’t get their paws stuck in threads or have any other issues. 

Representative Image Source: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels


This is a double dose of kindness from Potter's end. Not only is she donating to the furry guys for their needs, but she is also caring for the environment by reusing the scrap fabric. She mentioned that someone needs to look out for these guys as well. And she’s not wrong. “You know their bones ache, too. You know they have feelings. They can’t talk to us in our language, but look at their eyes and the expression on their face. They all have expressions and I just love them.”



Even at 93, nothing stops Potter from spreading kindness each day through her time and dedication. She looked beyond to understand the needs of these animals who can’t speak for themselves. Brings us to ponder whether we are so thoughtful when it comes to helping others. A little kindness goes a long way and Potter has persistently been proving that right, month after month by creating a warm place for the animals at adoption centers.

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