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93-year-old in isolation receives adorable letter from his 5-year-old neighbor: 'You're not alone'

Under these current circumstances, a kind gesture from someone unexpected can mean a lot more than usual.

93-year-old in isolation receives adorable letter from his 5-year-old neighbor: 'You're not alone'
Cover Image Source: Twitter/@hey_im_ginger

If there ever was a time to watch out for one another, this is it. We, as a society, stand no chance of surviving these dark times unless we support each other through this incredibly challenging time. Each one of us has been affected in different ways by the pandemic in recent weeks and with social distancing being crucial to curbing the spread of the virus, most of us have been deprived of our usual support systems. Under these current circumstances, a kind gesture from someone unexpected can mean a lot more than usual as it brings some much-needed hope and positivity to our lives.


Twitter user @hey_im_ginger recently shared one such heartwarming incident, setting off an avalanche of warm feelings on the platform. Sharing photos of two handwritten letters, she wrote: My Grandad is 93 and currently in isolation of course - but is in very good health - and he has received the most beautiful letter from his 5-year-old neighbor and he wrote back to her. Just please read, it should make you smile.

Image Source: Twitter/hey_im_ginger

In her letter, a sweet 5-year-old named Kirah introduces herself to her elderly neighbor, enquiring about his well-being during the lockdown. "Hello, my name is Kirah. I am 5-years-old. I have to stay at home because of the coronavirus. I just wanted to check to see if you're ok? I have drawn you a rainbow to remind you that you are not alone. Please write back if you can. From your neighbor at number 9," read the little one's letter.


Replying to his sweet little neighbor, the 93-year-old named Ron wrote: "Hello Kirah, I was so pleased to receive your message asking about my wellbeing and I am pleased to say I am keeping well so far. Like you, I am in isolation, so it was so nice to hear of your concern for me. My name is Ron and I am 93-years-old. I was the first person to move into [the neighborhood] in 1955 and I have been here ever since. The situation with this coronavirus is very bad and we must all do our very best to overcome it and hopefully come out of it in good health again."


Image Source: Twitter/hey_im_ginger

"I thought your drawing of the rainbow was amazing and I am going to place it in my window for people to see. I would like to thank you again for writing to me and hope you will be able to be out of isolation soon," Ron added. The heartwarming exchange between the pair had Twitterati clutching their hearts and gushing over how incredible their budding friendship is. 

















Some users also shared similar interactions with their elderly neighbors, adding to the wholesomeness of it. Twitter user Fiona Shearer tweeted: This is so lovely. I used to chat to a lovely man who was recovering in a convalescent home near my house when I was about 8 or 9. he was just lovely and we kept in touch by writing to each other even after he went home. this reminded me of that. I just realized I said β€˜lovely’ quite a lot in that last tweet!! but he was and those letters are too! Another user, Wayne Holloway tweeted a photo of the handwritten note he'd received from his 93-year-old neighbor after checking in on her.









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