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9-year-old shares the secret to his 'good' relationship with girlfriend of 5 years and it's adorable

Jackson has been with little Delilah since they were four. His 'key to a long lasting romance' is one you can also borrow.

9-year-old shares the secret to his 'good' relationship with girlfriend of 5 years and it's adorable
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody

The initial stages of love can be fragile. Everyone has been through their ‘crush’ and ‘daydreaming’ phases. The cutest moments are found in the innocent, naive and young beginnings of a relationship. Relationships are not easy to keep, you have to remember dates, communicate, adjust and whatnot. However, while maintaining a bond can be tough, a little star gave his tips and tricks. But watch out, he’s also set the bar very high. 9-year-old Jackson appeared on the Will and Woody podcast and charmed quite a few people including the hosts themselves and the love of his life, Delilah.

Image Source: Instagram/@willandwoody
Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody


Will and Woody had a conversation over the radio with the little Romeo and asked him, “Do you have a partner?” To this, Jackson confidently replied, “Yes.” On asking his partner’s name, Jackson said in the sweetest voice possible, “Delilah.” Her name itself left everyone in complete awe of the two cuties. Will and Woody couldn't seem to wrap themselves around the fact that little Delilah and Jackson were together. He went on to ask, “How long have you been dating for?” To this, Jackson adorably replied, “Five of six years.” Yes, surely got us off our chairs in shock. He’s been dating since 4? That’s the same question the hosts had.

Image Source: Instagram/@willandwoody
Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody


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They continued to ask, “How did you meet?” And Jackson’s response was,” Daycare.” That's right folks, while you’re all busy searching for the perfect cafe or restaurant, tiny Jackson aced it at daycare. This kid surely has something he’s doing right that he’s got a Delilah for over 5 years. Will further asked, “What’s your secret to a good relationship?” And you bet Jackson had an answer. He left a tip that anyone would agree with and yes, it works. Jackson said, “Take care of them and treat them like a princess.” Jackson’s interview ended with his message to Delilah, “I love you.” On the radio, loud and public. Men take notes. 

Image Source: Instagram/@willandwoody
Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody

Woody and Will were in complete awe of Jackson just like other listeners and couldn’t help but hear him in person. Their next episode featured Jackson at the studio with the hosts and he had something heartwarming to say. Now hold your tissues because next was Jackson speaking with Delilah over the radio. Woody mentioned that Jackson requested to come into the studio because he had something special for little Delilah. Men, again, take notes. The 9-year-old said that he wanted to read a poem to Delilah and immediately, the little miss Juliet let out a giggle and as you think it couldn’t get any cuter, it did. A whole lot cuter. 

Image Source: Instagram/@willandwoody
Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody

Jackson proceeded to recite the poem he had in hand. He said, “We love doing things together, it’s these times I treasure.” As he read along the rest of the poem the crew was melting in awe. How can something be so wholesome?! The poem continued, “Going out on my dad’s boat to do some fishing, when we catch something, we can’t stop singing. Walking on the beach hand in hand, so happy we don’t even feel the sand. Delilah is a beautiful name, that is for sure. But it’s your heart that I truly adore.” 

Image Source: Instagram/@willandwoody
Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody

The poem left everyone blushing and as the hosts concluded the video, they asked the two romantic kiddos if they had anything more to add. Sure enough, the love birds only had “I love you,” to say in their adorable way. The comments went crazy just like the crew, maybe even you’re smiling too. @nabilalxy said, “This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” @sorta_greg said, “The level of game this 9-year-old has.” Jackson has truly set the bar high but he has left a message in his actions. Love is at its best when it's pure, honest and straight from the heart! 

Image Source: Instagram/@willandwoody
Image Source: TikTok/@willandwoody


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