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Heartwarming 84-year-old woman shows why it is never too late to be out and proud

'I’m going to be doing it again,' said Jan Moore, referring to calling her partner her wife.

Heartwarming 84-year-old woman shows why it is never too late to be out and proud
Image Source: TikTok/Canada's Gayest Family

Queer couples have to deal with a world that is prejudiced against them. Relationship milestones that are usually taken for granted can be huge for people from the LGBTQIA+ community. Whether it's holding your partner's hand in public or acknowledging your relationship fearlessly, these and other hurdles are often invisible to others. Partners 84-year-old Jan Moore and Linda Ford have been together for 30 years. Though they got married in 2018, Moore could never call Ford her "wife" in front of another person until recently, according to LGBTQ Nation.

Moore, who lives in Canada, recently shared this important milestone in her life in a video she posted on TikTok. Expressing her joy, she begins the video by saying, "Today, I did it." Moore wondered that it took her "so long to do it." She then goes on to explain that her bank had called to ask for some information and answers. During their conversation, they asked, "And who is Linda?" To this Moore replied, "My wife. Oh." 



She says that after she told the bank about her relationship with Ford, they went ahead and conducted their business. But after she hung up the phone, she "realized, that it’s the first time — and I’m 84 and bit years old — that I’ve said ‘My wife.’ So I thought it was worthwhile recording it." She added, "Well, call me dumb for not saying it before, but I guess it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Guess what? I’m going to be doing it again." 

The video has gained almost 500,000 likes and almost 2 million views on TikTok. People were moved by this gesture with one person commenting, "I’m so proud of you!!!" Another said, "I’m sorry the world took this from you, glad you took it back." 



"I am glad that at age 84 and in 2022 you feel safe enough to speak your truth," a TikTok user commented. A person offered their advice, "Each person in their own time. Now, walk up to her and say "you're my wife." Do it several times a day, you have a lot of catching up to do." Several queer people shared their own experiences. One commented, "Love your bravery; I know how it feels my wife and I have been together 30 years and have two grown boys and we find it hard to hold hands." Another said, "Life should feel easier but the reality is we stay in the shadows to feel safe. Brava!!!!" 



Moore and her wife Ford run the TikTok account "Canada’s Gayest Family" and have almost 200,000 followers. They are part of a family of eight women who all are lesbians except their youngest daughter, according to their Facebook page. They post heartwarming photos with their queer family that brings joy to each one of their viewers. In one of the latest videos, Moore and Linda can be seen drinking tequila shots and living their life to the fullest. In other videos, they can be seen talking, laughing, cooking and driving together. 

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