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81-year-old earns Guinness World Record title by donating 203 units of blood in her lifetime

This Canadian resident has been contributing to this noble cause and donating blood since she was only 22 years old.

81-year-old earns Guinness World Record title by donating 203 units of blood in her lifetime
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Town of Penhold

Donating blood is considered a noble act that can save countless lives who need blood during critical moments. A woman hailing from Alberta has shattered a world record by doing the same for decades. 81-year-old Josephine Michaluk from Penhold has made the 209th blood donation ahead of her 81st birthday, setting a new milestone and earning her a place in the Guinness World Records, per CBC. Michaluk says that she is on a mission to inspire others to donate blood and save as many lives as possible.


According to the official website of Guinness World Records, she has donated 203 units of blood throughout her life and now holds a world record for the most whole blood donated by a female. One unit of blood is approximately equivalent to one US pint (473 ml). Her contribution to blood banks started back in 1965 when she was only 22 years old. While visiting her older sister at one point, Michaluk was asked to come along by her to a blood donation appointment and that's when she decided to join in and start donating blood as well.

“I decided I would join her and that was the beginning,” Michaluk said as per the Guinness World Record official website. However, age didn't turn out to be a barrier for her because despite being in her 80s, she continued her noble mission. Michaluk still maintains a frequency of her donations which is an average of four times each year. There have been phases in her life where she was unable to donate blood such as during her pregnancies as she had four children and during other surgeries she went through. 


According to Canadian Blood Services, a standard Canadian donation of a unit of blood is approximately 450 ml which is "slightly less than half a litre or two cups." Michaluk continues to give away one unit of blood during each of her donation sessions. “I feel like I have it in me to give. I can share it with people that need it," she reveals the cause behind why she does what she does. Michaluk also has the rare O+ blood type which is high in demand. “There should be a lot more people doing it. There is such a high demand for blood to save lives,” she states. The mom of four continues that she has never found the donation procedure painful or inconvenient and instead claims to feel energetic after each donation.

Image Source: Guinness World Records
Image Source: Guinness World Records

"Typically after a donation, the plasma portion is replaced within hours and the platelet within days. Red blood cells can take months to replenish," states Canadian Blood Services. “I never even thought I would have a record; I was not donating for that reason. And I plan on keeping on,” Michaluk added and shared that she was made aware of her potential record by her daughter, Catherine Browniee. "Josephine has basically been the kickoff for a campaign we just started," Shamus Neeson from Canadian Blood Services said in an interview with the outlet. "We have a small competition between Penhold and several other smaller areas and municipalities to see who can get the most blood donors in and I think that is great."

Image Source: Guinness World Records
Image Source: Guinness World Records

"They do need blood all the time and they are asking for more donations," Michaluk mentioned. "So many people are waiting for surgeries and they don't get the blood they want. So I just donate all I can. It doesn't take long at all and if you eat liver, broccoli, spinach and things that are rich in iron for a few days before the donation, your blood will always be good. It takes me no more than 10 minutes to donate." Thanks to selfless actions like that of Michaluk and the initiative taken by the region, Canadian blood banks won't have to worry about running out of essential blood types.


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