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79-year-old takes hair and makeup lessons to help his 'beautiful' wife of 50 years get ready

The loving husband wanted to learn these beauty skills as his wife's vision was failing

79-year-old takes hair and makeup lessons to help his 'beautiful' wife of 50 years get ready
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Hair Design By Britney

A doting husband from Alberta, Canada, is winning hearts across the internet for picking up a new skill to make life easier for his wife of 50 years. The 79-year-old gentleman, who did not want to be identified, popped into Delmar College of Hair and Esthetics in Red Deer last month to check if there were any upcoming lessons he could join. He explained that his wife—who has always "taken pride in" her appearance—was now finding it hard to do her hair and makeup due to failing eyesight. Knowing how important it is to her, the loving husband hoped to pick up a few tips to help her get ready. 

"He started to explain that his wife was struggling with her vision right now, and was struggling to curl her own hair and was burning herself. He really wanted to help her," the school director, Carrie Hannah, told City News. "He genuinely cared. He knows his wife always cared about her appearance, and he wanted to help her." Delmar College set the elderly gentleman up with a student and mannequin to teach him how to curl hair and protect his wife's skin. After learning how to do her hair, the man is said to have asked the beauty school employees tips on applying mascara on his wife's lashes.


"He also asked for tips on applying mascara because that task was hard for her also, so we gave him a makeup lesson too!" Hannah told SWNS, reports PEOPLE. "He spent about an hour with us for lessons on curling iron sets and mascara application." Hannah—who revealed that this was a first in her 31 years in the industry—added that the devoted husband's love for his wife "touched" staff and students of the beauty school and had them "in tears." 


"He lovingly pulled pictures from his wallet, showing everyone his wife, and boasting about how beautiful she has always been and how talented she was with a skill set of typing over 100 words a minute when she was working," she said. "Her appearance has always been something she has taken pride in and it's important to her so therefore important to him. He is turning 80 in May, and I think he is also a very brave man for stepping into a hair college and asking for lessons on styling hair. I don't think too many men would do that."


"He just genuinely warmed everyone’s hearts and just really feel good. We really needed some cheering up, and he sure did it," she added. According to Hannah, the man was a quick study and took some time to get a quick trim before leaving the salon. She revealed that both the husband and wife later visited the beauty school to thank everyone for their help. "They both also are impressed with his new professional skills and her hair is looking great!" Hannah said. Their awe-inspiring love spread countless smiles across social media after a Facebook post by Hair Design By Britney went viral with over 386k shares and 144k likes.


"This lovely gentleman came in today to learn how to curl his wife’s hair. His wife is unable to curl her own hair and often burns herself, so he stepped up to the plate and learned how to curl her hair. We had the pleasure of teaching him! We taught him how to do volume curls on short hair, how to protect her skin from being burned and we even taught him to put on her mascara," the post read.

This is the best thing I've seen in such a long time! This world needs more people like him and you for having patience, compassion, and just having a heart in general! What a lovely act of kindness commented Facebook user Jennifer Lynn. A true role model! He is a man who loves his wife and shows it with acts of kindness-what a treasure, wrote Leigh Thouvenot.

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