The girl thought her mom was left out when she saw a metal plaque at her grave and decided to collect money for her headstone.
Children often understand more than we realize, showcasing surprising depth and awareness. Take 7-year-old Emouree Johnson from Scottsboro, Alabama, for instance. This little girl helped raise more than $15000 from her lemonade stand so her mom's grave could have a proper headstone. One morning, Johnson learned of her 29-year-old mom's sudden passing, as reported by CBS Evening News. It was quite a shock for her, who loved her mom dearly. As a single parent, Karli Bordener's passing left young Johnson facing even greater challenges. Additionally, when Johnson visited her mom's grave with her grandmom, she noticed that everybody had elaborate granite headstones while her mom had a small metal plaque on her grave.
Upon asking her grandmother, Jennifer Bordner, the girl learned they could only afford a small metal plaque for the grave at that time. However, the girl could not accept that, so she decided to do something about it. "It felt like she was being left out," Johnson told the outlet. After deciding that she wanted to raise money for her mother's headstone, there was only one thing the 7-year-old could come up with, which was a lemonade stand. The girl set up her stand and started selling lemonade for $1 a cup. In the beginning, the girl had not mentioned anything about why she had set up the stand. A few days later, she asked her grandmother to share a photo of her stand on Facebook, according to UNILAD.
Soon, people learned about her thoughtful reason behind the lemonade stand and started showing up in huge numbers to support her. Though the girl did not change her price after the overwhelming response she received for her lemonade stand, people started giving her certain amounts as extra for every cup. Johnson revealed that she once received an astonishing $300 for a single cup of lemonade. A monument company eventually stepped in and offered to donate a headstone for the grave for free. Now, as the company is giving the headstone for free, the money she collected from the lemonade stand can go towards savings and help the family manage several expenses.
The grandmother shared that she was very thankful for what people had done and continued to do for the little girl. She also added that she never expected such an overwhelming response to her granddaughter's lemonade stand. On the other hand, Johnson was happy to see that so many people love and care for her mother. "I have never experienced something so amazing, a gift from God for Emouree. This has been an amazing blessing. I can't say thank you enough," the grandmother wrote as per the outlet, expressing her gratitude to everyone. It seems as if the entire city has stepped up to make the 7-year-old's remarkable effort successful and that is beyond heartwarming.