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Little boy's quick thinking saves parents and 7-month-old brother from house fire: 'Hero of the night'

'This Thanksgiving season we are thankful for this young man and his quick actions that ultimately saved his family and home.'

Little boy's quick thinking saves parents and 7-month-old brother from house fire: 'Hero of the night'
Cover Image Source: Facebook/White County Public Safety

Keegan, his parents and his 7-month-old brother know what to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Keegan, a 7-year-old woke up on Friday morning and went to his parent's room when he realized his fan and nightlight weren't working. Savannah Sinclair, his mother initially believed that the power in her son's room had gone out and instructed him to go back to bed. He returned a little while later to inform them of a fire. “He went back in there, ‘Mommy, Daddy, I smell smoke. You need to wake up.’” she said, per WSB-TV. The little boy helped everyone escape the fire unharmed. 



Keegan was recognized by the fire department in north Georgia for his fast thinking in saving his family. White County Fire Service personnel joined by media, community members and the Sinclair Family, awarded him at a ceremony held at White County Fire Station Four. During the ceremony, the White County Fire Department presented Keegan Sinclair with a certificate. “Keegan, you were the hero of the night,” Director of Public Safety David L. Murphy, Jr. said. “We have these men and women that work every day running into burning buildings, answering the 911 calls. .. you’re part now of all these heroes.”

Kevin Sinclair, Keegan's father, said it was difficult to pinpoint the source of the fire. He spotted the source while running outside. “His bedroom was right on the other side of the wall from the fire,” he told Channel 2. Kevin reported that the fire size had doubled by the time he returned outside with a fire extinguisher. He is grateful that his son made the right decision.



On a Facebook post, the White County Public Safety department posted in honor of the young boy. “During this time of year, we reflect on things we are thankful for. This Thanksgiving season we are thankful for this young man (Keegan Sinclair) and his quick actions that ultimately saved his family and home,” states David Murphy, Director of the White County Office of Public Safety. White County Fire Services Division Chief Michael LeFevre states, “All of these firefighters and first responders have gathered this evening to recognize the true hero on this call. If it wasn’t for Keegan and his quick thinking, this call could have ended in a tragedy.”



Keegan received a Certificate of Recognition from White County Fire Services and a gift basket from Chick-fil-a Cleveland at the ceremony. Following that, firefighters gave Keegan a tour of the fire truck and the rescue vehicle. The fire department officials took pictures of the 7-year-old's proud moments, posting pictures of the boy posing and holding the certificate with a beautiful wide smile. The pictures also showcased Keegan posing with Division Chief Michael LeFevre and Director David Murphy. In another cute photo, 911 Dispatcher Will Slater-Baker who answered the Sinclair family's call, along with Firefighters Kevin Kochis, Steve Hopper and Thomas Stein, who responded to the fire, are seen posing with Keegan.

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