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6-year-old with leukemia becomes world’s youngest UPS driver, delivers flowers to his Mom

Mateo Toscano got to drive his own mini UPS truck in his customized uniform and deliver packages to the people in his community.

6-year-old with leukemia becomes world’s youngest UPS driver, delivers flowers to his Mom
Image source: Instagram/@makeawishamerica

A 6-year-old boy from California became the youngest UPS driver for a day. Mateo Toscano, who is diagnosed with leukemia, dreamed of delivering packages. He had his wish come through The Make-A-Wish Foundation on Thursday. "I really liked it. It was so cool," Mateo told Good Morning America. Given his leukemia diagnosis and the pandemic, it became more important than ever for Toscano to stay indoors. The six-year-old mostly kept himself occupied by watching people outside his window and seeing delivery drivers dropping packages gave him special joy. He had also become friends with different delivery drivers who often came to his neighborhood. That's why he wanted to be a UPS driver.  UPS was more than happy to have him as their own delivery driver for a day and even designed a special route just for him. On May 6, Toscano dressed up as a UPS driver and got to deliver packages as an honorary UPS worker for a day in his hometown — Stockton, California.



The foundation told Mateo his wish would come true at a ceremony at the Macy’s in Stockton on April 21. Delivery driver Dave Cundari informed Mateo that his very own mini-UPS truck was being made, along with a custom-made uniform. Cundari also helped him pick out gifts for his mom and grandma during his “shift” on May 6. "When Mateo's wish came true, he did more than deliver packages, he delivered hope to the entire Stockton community and beyond ... and that's the incredible power of a wish," said Jennifer Stolo, president and CEO of Make-A-Wish Northeastern and Central California & Northern Nevada, in a statement. The little boy's day started with dressing up for work in the custom UPS uniform made just for him. He was also given a custom made fully-functional miniature UPS truck, which he took out for a driver's test before going on his route to deliver the packages. Accompanied by an adult UPS driver, Mateo delivered packages to Stockton city officials, local police, and others in the community. "I was busy as a bee," said Mateo.



The 'busy bee' took time out from work during lunchtime to deliver Mother's Day gifts for his mother and grandmother. He had picked out candles, bath towels, and flowers for them. Not surprisingly, they loved the gifts. "My mom and I were both so touched by his Mother's Day gifts to us, and were very surprised by the pretty flowers!" said Cynthia Toscano, Mateo's mother. The boy handing flowers to his parents was particularly significant because his doctors had advised the family against keeping cut flowers, wreaths, or trees in the house during his treatment. This particular gift meant more to his mother. "The flowers were a very nice way to signal the end of a very, very dark period. Hopefully, the brighter times are here to stay," said his mother.




Mateo had been diagnosed with leukemia in 2017 when he was just a toddler. After undergoing years of chemotherapy, he has completed his treatments and is now responding well to his in-home physical therapy, reported ABC10. 



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