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6-year-old elder brother saves his 2-year-old brother from drowning in the pool: 'God was watching'

He was swimming during a family get-together at his grandparents' place in Anderson County on July 4, but he also had to rescue his brother on this day.

6-year-old elder brother saves his 2-year-old brother from drowning in the pool: 'God was watching'
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Fox Carolina

We all look up to our elder siblings as children. However, in a remarkable incident, a 6-year-old boy became a hero by rescuing his 2-year-old brother from a potentially tragic situation. He jumped into a residential pool to save him. Atticus Whitlock was swimming during a family get-together at his grandparents' place in Anderson County on July 4. On this day, his younger brother Anson fell into the pool, per ABC4.

Atticus did not know how to respond to this situation but soon decided to take the plunge and save his younger brother, who was in danger. "I saw something on top of the water and I had my goggles on," Atticus told Fox Carolina. "I didn't know what it was, so I went under and it was him, Anson."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

Savannah Whitlock, their mom, said she was near the pool when her younger son fell into the pool. She only realized it when Atticus jumped to rescue his younger brother. Fortunately, Atticus held his brother at the bottom of the pool and was able to get him to the surface, as per the reports. As their mother was nearby, she "swam" into the pool to meet her sons.


"I literally just hugged both of them and I told Atticus, 'I am so proud of you,'" said Whitlock. First responders appreciated Atticus and said, "The ambulance driver and the fire department asked to speak with Atticus," Savannah said. "They took him aside and told him, 'You saved your brother's life.'" If not for Atticus' quick thinking, his brother would have remained in the pool for way longer. "Thankfully, God was watching out and gave Anson a superhero for a big brother," their mom said to the news outlet.


In another heartwarming story about saving lives, a young hero jumped to action when a classmate began choking during a lunchtime meal and he has since been recognized for his heroic effort. Speaking to Good Morning America, Jordan Nguyen, a music teacher at Lakeview Elementary School in Norman, Oklahoma, recounted the unforgettable incident that unfolded within seconds.

"It was chicken nugget day and the kids absolutely love it. But during that lunch, a teacher's and parent's worst nightmare happened," Nguyen said. Cashton York, a third grader at Lakeview, "took a bite and started choking," she revealed, "he couldn't breathe."


"Immediately, the boys around him stood up and started screaming for help from me, who was the adult in the room at the time," Nguyen said, adding that Cashton had been facing away from her. "I was on the other side of the cafeteria and when I heard them scream, I ran to the students. However, there was one student, Garrett, who went way above and beyond just shouting for help." Garrett Brown, a third grader, immediately started performing the Heimlich maneuver on his classmate.


Instead of shouting, he jumped to the other side of the table, went behind Cashton, and did a couple of thrusts of the Heimlich maneuver, and it only took about two thrusts and he was able to dislodge the food," Nguyen recounted.

"By the time I reached Cashton, the food had already dislodged and he was breathing again." A frightened Cashton was immediately taken to see their school nurse, who examined him and notified his parents. Although the boy was initially upset and crying, it was determined that he was "perfectly fine." About 15 minutes later, Cashton returned to the cafeteria to eat a new plate of chicken nuggets, Nguyen added.

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