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When a 5-yr-old boy was being adopted, the judge asked if anyone wanted to speak. The boy raised his hand.

The family was able to adopt Cameron after a lot of struggle and undergoing expensive adoption proceedings.

When a 5-yr-old boy was being adopted, the judge asked if anyone wanted to speak. The boy raised his hand.
Cover Image Source: YouTube | USA TODAY

Adoption is a beautiful process that creates families and provides vulnerable children with the protection and love of a home. Every year, more than 250,000 children are placed into foster care, facing many challenges. Not every child gets adopted or finds a loving home, but this 5-year-old is among the lucky ones. He was recently adopted by a family in Bernalillo, New Mexico. In a heartwarming video reported by USA TODAY, the boy shared some sweet words about his new mother, Jennifer Hubby, in court. When the judge asked if anyone wanted to speak, the boy stepped up to express his love for his adoptive mom.


The boy said, "I wanted to say that I love my mom so much and she's the best mom I ever had." Hearing these words Hubby got emotional and the boy reached to give her a beautiful hug. Everyone was moved by these words spoken by the little boy and even the judge had a beautiful reaction. The judge said, "Oh My gosh. Well, you know what. It's important to tell people you love them and that they care about you. So, you're a lucky guy." She further added, "I am glad you love them. That's what we're supposed to be doing. It's a good thing."


The judge then walked over to the boy and his mother for their final signatures. After completing the final documents, the judge congratulated the mother. Hubby shared that she had wanted to adopt the child since he was born. Her family was finally able to make it happen after years of saving for the expenses of the lengthy legal adoption process.


In a Facebook post, Hubby expressed how much pride she takes in her wife, Kimberly. Hubby wrote, "I have officially adopted Cameron." In another post on Facebook, Hubby wrote, "NONE of this would be possible without my beautiful wife." She said that though much of the attention is on her adopted son Cameron, her wife, Kimberly "works day in and out to provide for us and give us the life we deserve." She added, "None of this would have been possible without Kim courageously standing up and saying she agrees and supports this adoption. A mother protecting her son. That’s what she did for us."

The beautiful video showcases how adoption can give a new and beautiful life to a child that is filled with immense love and care. In a similar instance, a video of a little girl recognizing her mother during a school concert is also doing rounds on the internet. Amaris Traversy, 2, is shown in the TikTok video with her preschool classmates on a stage. Amaris can't seem to focus on anything except her mother, Genevieve Traversy, who is in the audience for a Thanksgiving celebration.


She can be seen mouthing "my mommy" instead of singing along with her classmates and looking at her mother with a beautiful smile. The child was placed into foster care when she was born and was 18 months old when she came into the care of the Traversy family. Initially, she was extremely terrified of people and didn't like to be touched. However, with all the love and care of her new family, she started trusting them more and realizing that she deserved love and care. She is now reading, going to school, and doing gymnastics and all her basic needs are being fulfilled. This beautiful video accurately portrays how desperate foster children are for genuine love, care, and a place to call home. 

This article originally appeared 2 years ago.

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