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41-year-old graduates from law school with a strong message. She was rejected by 20 law schools, 20 years ago

"Despite and in spite of it all, I persisted," Amber Goodwin said of her accomplishment.

41-year-old graduates from law school with a strong message. She was rejected by 20 law schools, 20 years ago
Image Source: Twitter/Amber Goodwin

It is important for us to hear that we are never too old to succeed. There is no age limit for achieving your goals and chasing your dreams. Amber Goodwin serves as a reminder that it is never too late to go after what you want. Goodwin's lifelong dream was to study law. Now, at the age of 41, she will finally be graduating from Mitchell Hamline School of Law, in St. Paul, Minnesota. She shared her accomplishment on Twitter encouraging other women to pursue their dreams as well. Goodwin's grit and perseverance have become an inspiration for many on the internet, who have found a role model in her.  



In the tweet that has now gone viral, Goodwin wrote, "Sorry not sorry in advance for all the law graduation photos y’all are about to get. I’m 41, never been married, have no kids, and most days society refuses to celebrate people like me. It’s been a very rough year but this is a bright spot for many of us. It was all worth it." She attached a picture of her beaming proudly in her graduation robes and cap. She will be graduating on June 6 after nearly two decades of trying to get into a law school. She shared a little more backstory to her current success.



In an earlier tweet she explained, "Almost 20 years to the day after getting rejected from almost 20 law schools, I am done with law school. I am Amber Goodwin M.S, J.D. I will walk across the stage in 24 days to graduate. Despite and in spite of it all, I persisted." This tweet also went viral and Goodwin took the opportunity to share the blended programs at her law school and offered advice to anyone planning on going to law school. "DMs are open for advice on navigating the law school process after failure or rejection- YES!! Happy to help," she wrote.



Kind internet strangers left their heartfelt congratulations for Goodwin and celebrated her wins with her. One Twitter user wrote, "Don’t know you but huge congrats. I graduated 20 years ago, and I still don’t have kids and have never regretted that choice. Enjoy your celebration-you’ve earned it!" Another person added, "I obviously don't know you, but your post made me so proud of you! Huge congratulations for achieving your dream, representing women of color, and nailing this thing called life! All the very best to you Counselor Goodwin."







Speaking to Good Morning America Goodwin said, "My mentality was: I'm going to keep applying places and they have to tell me no. I'm not going to call the question on myself. If people tell me no, then that's on them, and I'll just keep trying." She went back to law school at 38, and now three years later, she's graduating. "A lot of times people, especially women and Black women, are not celebrated while we're doing things," she said. "We're celebrated maybe when we've made it and are winning big cases as an attorney or doing other things like getting married or having kids." Although she didn't expect to get a lot of reaction when she shared her accomplishment, she was pleasantly surprised.





In response to the thousands of warm wishes she received, Goodwin wrote, "I can’t put into words how kind, considerate, and encouraging your comments have been. It’s been a long road and this week, in particular, was very hard personally. Every single comment has lifted my spirits and given me the virtual hugs I’ve needed. Thank you so much." The overwhelming response she got, gave her "a sense that people were standing right next to me as I was getting really great news and times when I was maybe not feeling as sure of myself." Goodwin is all set to start a scholarship at her law school to help future Black law students and formerly incarcerated people.




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