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4-year-old girl's reaction to daddy having diarrhea in a public bathroom is hilarious

Clint Edwards said the man in the adjacent stall couldn't help laughing as his daughter egged him on.

4-year-old girl's reaction to daddy having diarrhea in a public bathroom is hilarious
Image source: Facebook/anecdotesrantsandoccasionalessaysclintedwards

If you get diarrhea, you get diarrhea. That's about it. All you can hope for is to be at a place where you can relieve yourself in peace, and hopefully in isolation. For this one dad, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. Clint Edwards was traveling with his wife and his three kids when diarrhea struck. He shared the hilarious story on Facebook. They had made a stop at a gas station. "My wife and two older kids were in the van, while I was inside looking for cornflakes with my 4-year-old. We b-lined into the restroom, making it just in time," wrote the dad, adding that he was left with no choice but to take his 4-year-old, Aspen, inside the stall with him. She turned cheerleader for her father as he went about his business. "Aspen watched as I struggled, Moana light-up crocs on the wrong feet, blue eyes wide and supportive, hands clapping. "Good job, Daddy! Good job! You make two poops! Now three poops! I’m four! Yucky, Daddy. It’s stinky."

A man, having a sudden stomach ache. iStockalypse Berlin, 2012./Getty Images


"I’m not sure what happened exactly, if I’d eaten something wrong, or if it was the stress of traveling with kids, but what I do know is that my 4-year-old daughter is the Richard Simmons of pooping," wrote the father, as he detailed how she cheered him on. "I’ve never felt so supported in anything in my whole life. She commented on the size, smell, and sound. "Wow!" she said. She commented on my work ethic. "You’re trying so hard!” At one point I had to actually push her face away from the business end of things as she clapped and cried "You’re doing it, Daddy! You’re doing it!"


He then revealed why it seemed the totally normal thing to do for little Aspen. "She’s potty trained, sure. But she’s also easily distracted, and prone to potty accidents. I suppose she’s gotten used to the positive reinforcement Mel and I give her each time she goes. And when I’m cheering her on in our family restroom, it seems normal, even appropriate. But when the roles are reversed, it’s just, well, awkward," added the father. It would have been less embarrassing for the father if he wasn't at a public restroom and didn't have another person laughing at his predicament from the next stall. "The man in the stall next to me was obviously holding back tears of laughter. Laughter that busted loose when she called me a "pooping-farting robot," wrote Edwards. 


It was all finally over and he made it back to the car with a small package of anti-diarrhea pills. He buckled Aspen into the car seat like nothing had happened until his wife asked what took them so long. "I rolled my eyes and mumbled, 'You don’t want to know.' It was then that Aspen was kind enough to recount the story to her mother, clapping the whole time. I sat in the driver’s seat. Mel patted my leg, "Nice work, Daddy." All I could do was say, "Thank you." Clint Edwards is an author and you can check out his books here.

Abdominal pain patient woman having a medical exam with a doctor on illness from stomach cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic discomfort, Indigestion, Diarrhea, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) - stock photo/Getty Images


The Facebook post was met with hilarious responses from other parents who shared similar embarrassing stories involving their children. Karen Decker wrote, "When my daughter was 3, we went out to dinner at one of our favorite small-town restaurants. We were seated near the door. Bathrooms are in the back. Friday night. The place was full. The return walk from the bathroom to the front never seemed so long as when my daughter announced to the entire restaurant that 'Mommy pooped!' Sigh." Judith Boggs commented, "My sister's 3-year-old granddaughter got 3 M&Ms for pooping on the potty... She said, 'Grandma, you'll get LOTS of M&Ms when YOU go!'"

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