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3rd-grade teacher asked her students to complete famous proverbs and they absolutely slayed it

The woman thought that some of the anwers were actually not bad at all and shared her favorite ones.

3rd-grade teacher asked her students to complete famous proverbs and they absolutely slayed it
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @empowds

Most children haven't learned the stereotypical or strong definitions of right or wrong. Their worldview is still fresh and unique and might not have been influenced by society's beliefs very strongly yet. So, it can be interesting to come across such perspectives. A teacher asked third graders to complete famous proverbs and their answers had some unexpected wisdom. The woman, Em Powderly—who goes by @empowds on TikTok—took to the platform to share the most interesting answers given by her class of 8-year-olds.

Image Source: TikTok | @empowds
Image Source: TikTok | @empowds

The heading of the worksheet read, "Wise words from third graders." The first proverb was, "Keep your friends close..." The kid had completed it by writing, "...or have a deep regret." The other proverb went, "Hope for the best...forget the rest." The next one was, "An early bird...finds its home." Another kid was given the proverb, "The grass is always greener..." but instead of writing on the "other side," the kid gave it a unique spin by writing, "The sky is always bluer." The other proverb that received an all-new rendition was "Don't count your chickens..." The kid suggested, "Count your cows." Another one answered, "The squeaky wheel...has a mouse in it." Another kid played with rhymes and remarked, "Don't judge a its glary look."

Image Source: TikTok | @empowds
Image Source: TikTok | @empowds

"Those who live in glass houses..." received a positive makeover from a third grader who completed it with, "...always see the light." An 8-year-old feels that "Any job worth doing" is "a vet." While another child advised people not to cry over "Babies that are annoying." A student had something to say about what a person shouldn't teach their grandmother. "Don't teach your grandmother...anything smart because she doesn't need to know anything." The best thing in life, according to one child, is "being inside of you and doing what your heart says." Another kid emphasized, "When in Rome...go to civilization." The teacher captioned the post, "They are actually not that bad."

Image Source: TikTok | @empowds
Image Source: TikTok | @empowds

The video received over 4 million views and more than 403k likes. People took to the comments section of the video to appreciate the third graders' ideas. @misdalbello wrote, "These are incredible. 'Those who live in glass houses always see the light' is profound. Little optimist." @caarla.ibez commented, "As a non-native English speaker who doesn't know how any of these sayings actually finish, some of them made a lot of sense. I even thought they were real." @rugmmb remarked, "'Don't count your chickens, count your cows' is honestly good. It could be a version of 'Don't count the bad things happening to you, count the good things.'" 

Image Source: TikTok | @xandaxpanda
Image Source: TikTok | @xandaxpanda


Image Source: TikTok | @guacaamolls
Image Source: TikTok | @guacaamolls

@kathykishanto shared, "The grass is always greener, the sky is always bluer. A lot about accepting things for what they are and how that can make your perspective more positive." @flyestbell expressed, "Hope for the best forget the rest ate! Any job worth doing is a vet! And the best thing in you is doing what your heart says! You have some bright kiddos." @clown.noses pointed out, "'The squeaky wheel has a mouse in it' is so good. It would mean: Be mindful of all possibilities/answers, sometimes the obvious answer isn’t the right one."

You can follow Em Powderly (@empowds) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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