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30 hilarious signs from Pride parades that will make you laugh

Among the many things that brought joy at the Pride marches, the signs that people carry really take the cake.

30 hilarious signs from Pride parades that will make you laugh
Image Source: Instagram/(L)nathan__arizona (R) Rainbow Squad

June is celebrated as Pride Month every year. It is a time for celebrating the lives of the LGBTQ+ community and amplifying their voices as equal members of society. The first-ever Pride in 1969 was a protest sparked by a violent police raid at Stonewall Inn, Manhattan, New York. Over the years, the protests may have turned into celebrations and parties, but it is still very much a reminder of resistance to oppression. Every year there are Pride parades in America as well as the world bringing the community together. But due to the pandemic, gatherings were not possible last year and to some extent this year as well. 



Among the many things that brought joy at the Pride marches, the witty signs that people carried really took the cake. Some signs would make us chuckle while also making us think about the very real problems faced by the community. Since going to a Pride march may not be on the cards for many yet, here are some hilarious signs that were spotted over the years to make up for it instead.

1. Shining bright like a diamond.




2. Agenda setting but make it gay.




3. You may be from the alphabet mafia but that does not mean you can do algebra.




4. Just get over it.




5. LGB"QT"



6. Important observations.




7.  Here? And queer.




8. Love is beautiful.




9. Typos are known to ruin lives.




10. Daily dose of covfefe.




11. They don't call him lion king for nothing.




12. Oprah for president!




13. We have rainbow cookies.




14. Only facts.




15. The only phase that passes.


Source: Reddit/pjtheman


16. Gay and fabulous.




17. The land she heard of once in a lullaby.




18. Agenda setting but make it gay pt.2




19. "It might sound crazy but...."




20. God's creations are beautiful.




21. Let's be true to who we are.




22. Making sure no one feels left out.




23.  The bigger the better.




24. Reminder that Pride is political and it is a protest. 



25. Single Ladies want to put rings on each others' fingers.



26. Protect trans children.



27. Asking the real questions.



28. The future.



29. Tower of Pisa in solidarity.



30. God's love.


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