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30 of the funniest tweets about that absolute nightmare of a presidential debate

In a nutshell, the debate was two old White men in fancy suits battling it out for the most powerful position in the country using methods tried and perfected by kindergarteners.

30 of the funniest tweets about that absolute nightmare of a presidential debate
Cover Image Source: President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at the Health Education Campus of Case Western Reserve University on September 29, 2020, in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Well, it happened. Donald Trump and Joe Biden finally went up against each other on the first presidential debate stage on Tuesday and it was... an utter and absolute SH*TSHOW. While the founding fathers probably rolled in their graves that night, the living turned to alcohol to stomach all the yelling, shouting, lying, bullying, and name-calling that took place on moderator Chris Wallace's watch. Americans watched in horror as what was once a civilized debate on issues concerning the nation was turned into — as CNN's Jake Tapper best described it — "a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck."


Perhaps we would have found it funny if the fate of the United States did not hang so precariously on the outcome of these debates. After all, it was two old White men in fancy suits battling it out for the most powerful position in the country using methods tried and perfected by kindergarteners. 90 minutes of watching a flummoxed Wallace unsuccessfully trying to maintain some form of decorum on the stage was a scary peek into what the next four years would look like if we put the meanest, dumbest, and most obnoxious kid in charge of the class.


On the somewhat positive side, the past four years of Trump at the helm has helped hone our dark sense of humor like never before. And it came in quite handy on Tuesday night as Americans turned to Twitter to vent their feelings about the debate and share coping mechanisms to get through the horror show. Here's some in case you need help preparing for the next presidential debate:









Meanwhile, many couldn't help but voice their utter disappointment in Wallace's inability to rein in Trump i.e. do his job as the moderator of the debate.





However, for the most part, viewers could barely process whatever was happening in those 90 minutes of pure hell.

















At least we got this out of it:


Yup, that really happened.

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