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3-year-old girl throws cute tantrums by showering mom with compliments in anger: 'You're the best'

The little girl wasn't happy when she was denied a good movie time. So, she decided to express her anger with the only words she knew - 'kind words.'

3-year-old girl throws cute tantrums by showering mom with compliments in anger: 'You're the best'
Cover Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst

Children are known to be the purest souls. They love their parents the most in the world. It is the same for parents, but they have to put some rules into place for the betterment of their children. While these rules might occasionally dim the radiance of their children's smiles, they recognize the necessity of such boundaries to instill a sense of structure and order in their lives. These limitations often cause disagreements, but in the case of this viral video posted by Kelly Pabst - who goes by @kel_pabst on TikTok - the reaction was not conventional by any means.

Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst
Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst


In this video, a mother seemingly refused to let her daughter watch a movie, which made her very angry. But the adorable munchkin had no aggressive words in the dictionary to direct at her mother. Hence, she began showering her mother with compliments. The heart-melting video has gained over 4.3M views and 885.6K likes.

The video begins with the toddler throwing a tantrum. The text overlay explains the context behind the foul mood. "POV: You're three, you're mad mom said no movie, but you don't know anything but kind words." The toddler was excited because her father was not at home and she thought it meant some mother-daughter time doing their favorite activity, watching the movie of her choice. But to her "horror," her mother refused.

Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst
Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst


After this refusal, she began to do the most unexpected thing - started saying all the things she liked about her mother but, in anger. She said, "(It's a) special day. And you gotta put on a movie and... cause daddy is not home. So, you are the best mama in the whole world! And you make me happy! And you, you are the best! And you said no!" Cute, isn't it?


Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst
Image Source: TikTok/ @kel_pabst


These lines clearly give a reflection of how she thinks of her mother. To her, her mother loves her the most and will do anything for her. So, what shocks her the most is that her mother, who values nothing more than her daughter, is not going through her demands. It shows how much trust parents wield when it comes to their children. Their children really think the world of them, making it even more necessary that they make the right decisions for their upbringing. Even if it means not letting them do what they really want to if it is not right, just like in the case of this little girl.

Image Source: TikTok/
Image Source: TikTok/


Image Source: TikTok/ @kristinhouck20
Image Source: TikTok/ @kristinhouck20


The comment section found the little girl's antics humorous and was also in awe of how much she loved her mother. @innadayz believes that the girl's reaction is reflective of her upbringing, "The fact that she has no mean words in her vocabulary speaks volumes on what kind of parents y'all are. I love this." @userm1802 tried to effectively translate what the toddler wanted to communicate to her mother, "She basically said you make me happy every day, why make me mad now?" @leeshajoyxox is emotional seeing the outpouring of love, "The amount of love that had to be spoken into this little girl just makes me want to cry. You are the BEST MAMA."

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