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25 women share the 'first thing' they did after their husbands died and the internet is amazed

After the story of an 81-year-old woman voting for the first time in her life after her husband died went viral many people shared their firsts.

25 women share the 'first thing' they did after their husbands died and the internet is amazed
An old woman on a holiday. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio; TikTok | @cailin.98)

After getting married, many women do not get to do things they once loved or cherished because their husbands won't approve of it. A similar incident came to light when Betty Cartledge, an 81-year-old woman, voted for the first time in her life after her husband died last year, as per the Courier Newsroom (@couriernewsroom on TikTok). "I am going to vote for the first time in my life," Cartledge told the outlet. It happened because her husband did not want her to vote. "I was so young and everything when we got married and I didn't even think about it," the 81-year-old pointed out. "And when I got old I didn't think it would count." But eventually, at 81, the woman decided that she would like to vote.

Voting stickers; Representative Image Source: Pexels | Element5Digital
Voting stickers; Representative Image Source: Pexels | Element5Digital

Moreover, Cartledge's story gained a lot of attention, which was drawn to the fact that many husbands still control their wives' votes and it isn't uncommon for a woman not to have an actual choice while casting her vote. Many people also shared that the women they know did so many things for the first time when their husbands died. From wearing makeup to getting their ears pierced, there were several things that the women didn't get to do for many decades while their husbands were alive. It might as well come as a shock to many people. Here are 25 things women did for the first time after their husbands died or left.

1. The first piercing

When my grandpa died, my grandma finally got her ears pierced. -@vinarxb

2. Finally, free to hangout

When my grandpa died, my grandma suddenly made friends and had cousins. -@cloudy.ugh25

3. Free to do the right thing

My grandpa used to win the deeds to people’s houses gambling and when he passed, my grandma gave the deeds back in the wives’ names so the men couldn’t gamble it away again. -@creolenebulas
Person pouring wine in a glass; Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
The person pouring wine in a glass; Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

4. Free to live

When my papaw died, my memaw had her very first glass of wine the next day. -@_sleslie

5. Red lipstick is what she needed

My aunt couldn't wear red lipstick. Then, at 60, she went to sign her divorce papers wearing red lipstick. -@nkfxyok74

6. The only thing she ever wanted

My papaw didn’t want my mamaw wearing lipstick because he thought it would attract men’s attention. When he died, she wore lipstick all the time. -@alliewink1072
Makeup products and lipstick; Representative Image Source: Pexels | Suzy Hazelwood
Makeup products and lipstick; Representative Image Source: Pexels | Suzy Hazelwood

7. The true story

My grandma had her bags packed before my grandpa was in the ground. She got her own apartment and ditched her house. You never know what is really going on. -@rubyjune21

8. Finally, free to be herself

My grandpa died and my nana started wearing her natural hair.

9. When she gets to do what she wants

When my father passed away, my mother wore makeup for the first time, got several tattoos and lived an amazing life! She was only 15 when she was married. My father was 22! -@franklinpiercy2

10. The rage is real

My mother-in-law wasn’t allowed to buy patio furniture, so she got six sets and put them all over her yard after her husband died. The resentment is real. -@user7616

11. Her first credit card 

My grandma had no credit score at age 76. She was never allowed to have anything in her name. At 76, she proudly got her first credit card. -@b__mcmohan

12. When sadness is actually a happy thing

My neighbor's dad died and she said her mom didn't shed one tear, went on vacations, wore the clothes she wanted, and lived a grand life for 20 more years. My mom died miserable and married and didn't know peace for her last 55 years on Earth... -@producermama

13. The one wish she had

My grandma learned to read and write after my grandpa died. She died only being able to read and write at a 1st-grade level. @snowykitsune21

14. Free to make a choice

When my grandpa died, my grandma put a window in the living room and went to Jamaica. I wonder now if she ever voted. -@brandalah44

15. The thing about hair

My dad didn't let my mom grow her hair out. If it wasn't the length he liked, he would cut it himself. When he died, she grew down to her shoulders. -@mountaingirl7771

16. Free to get paid for work

My grandma mourned for a few months. Then she called the hospital where she’d been volunteering for 30 years and turned it into a paid position. He wouldn’t let her earn her own money. -@goombaw99

17. The real reason behind divorces

When my great-grandpa died, my great-grandma was in her 40s and was finally able to go to college and work as a nurse because he didn’t let her. I hate when people act like it’s good divorce rates are low. -@belle4192

18. When a girl just wants to have fun

My grandfather was a horrible man. When he passed, my grandma took the insurance money and went on vacation with her sister and my mom to Hawaii for two weeks. Paid off the house. -@floridacarol

19. Free to drive

When my grandpa passed, my grandma got her driving license and a job. -@feliciamorrowjack

20. Free to wear jeans!

My grandma wasn’t allowed to wear jeans. One of the first things she did was buy jeans. -@kimberleybleeker

21. She was proud of it

My grandma always wanted a tattoo, but my grandpa didn’t want her to do it. When my grandpa passed, she got a big forearm tattoo. She was so proud of it and would roll up her sleeves to show it off. I love all the comments about grandmas finally doing the things they want to do. -@queenofcarrotflowers87

22. When she finally got her television

Not even 24 hours after my grandpa died, my grandma bought her first television. In 1992. -@heyItsjess

23. Mourning her marriage

Grandma-in-law always wore black until her husband died. Since then, full-blown crazy color! She was in mourning for her marriage! -@brynseycarm

24. The thing with licenses and cars

When my grandpa died, my grandma got her driver's license. -@catsplant2

25. All she wanted was a strawberry cake!

When my great-grandfather died, the first thing my great-granny did was bake a strawberry cake. He was allergic to strawberries.  -@cailin.98

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